In an early morning missive, a longtime personal friend and fellow political activist made the following observation regarding Joe Biden’s pardon of Hunter, his criminal, some may even correctly say his treasonous, son. My friend wrote: “Joe Biden pardoned Hunter, after repeatedly saying he would not. No surprise, because our president is a habitual chronic inveterate liar. He makes stuff up as it suits him.”
Its been widely published that: In his pardon statement, Biden maintained, “From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted.” He further added, “Here’s the truth: I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice – and once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense in delaying it further. I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision.”
As I responded back to my friend Monday morning: “The pardon should come as no surprise.”
I submit that out of the gulag of despondency viewed today as “family” this move was a no-brainer. It should come as no surprise that a parent would care about his child’s welfare.
What we should find disturbing is the blatant disrespect for the American people and the dismissal of personal accountability for one’s criminal actions. We as a people should be incensed at the flagrant abuse of power. But, we should not be surprised.
This is what these reprobates do. They’re the entitled class. People hang on their every word. They speak in poorly constructed oratories that are met with the equivalent of canned applause. Their claims of no one being above the law are heralded by those as morally opprobrious as the Biden types themselves.
It can be argued that Biden’s pardon was preemptive, because he knew Hunter was going to do prison time, but I was raised to understand that if a parent truly loved his or her child, there came a time that chastisement was a necessary corrective for moral failure.
The violations of Hunter Biden when taken in the aggregate demanded punishment, not a complete pass after the failed initial plea arrangement that ultimately was rejected by the court.
The Biden administration and the Democratic Party as a whole are comprised of cadres of pernicious calumniators. These people see themselves not only as above the law, but as arbiters of the definitional fluidity of what is law.
The Biden administration repeatedly lied, claiming that he was not going to pardon his son. The more White House spokes-critter Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed about the possibility of pardon, the more adamant she was in emphatically stating same wasn’t going to happen.
Then came the sudden Biden weekend realization that his criminal, junkie, sexual predator son and international financial pay-to-play White House and Biden family representative, was being wrongly accused and politically persecuted for insignificant behavior, hardly worth mentioning, much less worth prosecuting.
How can we not understand a father’s responsibility to protect his child and family? Hunter has a family for which to care and provide. Next we’ll hear accusations of “it’s Trump’s fault.” We’ll hear that Trump was behind the political persecution of Hunter as revenge for his own arrests and indictments.
And, you can bet the flies that feed on steaming manure piles, e.g., Joy-less Reid et al., will fall right in line parroting that narrative.
Take a good look, Democrat supporters. Consider the magnitude of treasonable offense and federal criminal acts perpetrated by the Biden boy. How many of you have family members in prison for what you would consider a minor drug offense? How many of you would argue that your child only robbed the store because he was unable to feed his family or pay rent under the Biden/Harris regime?
The rest of us will ask why Biden pardoned his criminal, junkie, treasonous son, but has done absolutely nothing to address the January 6 murder of Ashli Babbitt. We will ask why innocent J6 protesters have been held in solitary confinement for years merely for exercising their constitutional right to gather and protest. We’ll ask why neither Biden nor Harris nor anyone in his administration has taken one step to free the more than 90 Israeli and American hostages still held prisoners by Hamas. What about the Americans held hostage by other terrorist groups?
It’s too bad Biden doesn’t care as much about We the People as he does making sure his criminal son will never face a day of culpability? His criminal record will be expunged as though it never existed, as though he was never guilty of breaking the law.
The criminal charges against the Biden boy weren’t manufactured false charges by his father’s rogue Justice Department targeting a feared political opponent. He was faced multiple federal weapons charges and federal tax violations. He has managed to escape the international payola charges, at least for now.