During the past years, over 50% of American workers have been obligated to partake in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) training, according to a recent Pew Research Center study. The DEI programs intended to tackle discrimination against gays, lesbians and other marginal minorities by applying Marxist ideology – yet now it seems it has failed.
Many complain that the DEI system does not create inclusion, but only favors people with darker skin colors, gays, lesbians and others, and works as a tool to discriminate against the rest of the population. It has ended up creating discrimination, hostility and division among all, which ironically, according to Marxist thought, was the intention since its very beginning.
Precisely this has been a core Marxist ideal: To radically change Western society by canceling traditional values, forcing divisive minority left-wing opinions upon everyone as the only “permitted” views. The goal is to demonize the values and ideals that created the civilizational success of Western nation states, and cause its downfall.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) clearly defined the socialist and communist goals to be the destruction of traditional culture and its values rooted in the Judeo-Christian pool of thought. Marx hated Christianity. Marx hated Jews. Marx hated capitalism. This was a lazy, selfish man who detested personal responsibility. He almost never had a proper job, endlessly feeding off his wealthy friends, destroying his family (three family members even committed suicide), constantly writing letters nagging and manipulating others, steadily happy to use the n-word about blacks and labeling Slavs “ethnic trash.” This despicable person is the hero of the self-destructive Left. It simply is unbelievable.
Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979), the Marxist father of the 1960s student revolution, wrote much about the same: the importance of repressing the conservative majority. In “A Critique of Pure Tolerance,” he repeats Marx’s goal of quenching freedom only for those who disagree with the socialist Marxist goals.
“Critical Theory has since attacked Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism and nationalism – any and all foundations of society, in order to destroy the culture and make Western civilization stink,” writes James Simpson in “Who was Karl Marx?” Read articles at WND that shed further light on this topic.
Marx’s disciples continued his rampant hatred of the West. Vladimir I. Lenin, for example, detested Western historical virtues and code of honor, ruthlessly curbing free speech: “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth … we can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion and scorn towards those who disagree with us.” He called the Western intellectual elite “useful idiots” that were to be used in order to crush the stability of the West.
A new study recently came to the conclusion that the radicalized DEI programs, forcefully infused by precisely the “useful idiot” Western intellectuals at colleges, universities, as well as in corporate America, have been counterproductive. It produces racial awareness in individuals in such a way that racism is increasing. Rutgers University’s Social Perception Lab and Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) found that certain DEI practices produce division, confrontation and irrationality rather than the opposite. DEI does not enhance equality regardless of gender or race, but the very opposite: It enforces discrimination based on sex, skin color and political views.
Walmart is one of the many companies that have halted some of their DEI initiatives. The conservative corporate activist Robby Starbuck has long blasted racial sensitivity training as a highly toxic method to divide a population according to race rather than equality regardless of race. He speaks about the need for corporate political neutrality. It is important to appeal to all citizens, in order to avoid a tyranny of a small minority.
“Across all groupings, instead of reducing bias, [DEI trainings] engendered a hostile attribution bias, amplifying perceptions of prejudicial hostility where none was present, and punitive responses to the imaginary prejudice. … DEI narratives that focus heavily on victimization and systemic oppression can foster unwarranted distrust and suspicions of institutions and alter subjective assessments of events,” the NCRI report states, according to RT.
DEI material often rely on authors who promote Marxist Critical Race Theory, such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, feeding on hatred toward white people and traditional, American culture. Those who disagree are predictably labeled as “oppressive, racist, fascist, misogynist, homophobic, Islamophobic, hateful” and so on, the classical Marxist tools of demonization. The aim is to destroy us all.