Originally published via Creed Speech Substack.
I write this article for posterity – as a historical preservation of the most significant intersecting events of our time preceding digital gulags, for I know that the timelines might all be scrubbed clean and memory holed, eventually…
Therefore, we must have backups upon backups.
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I will quote sections of Anne Applebaum’s foreword to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s second volume of The Gulag Archipelago. Applebaum wrote her foreword for the reissued printed edition of the book by Harper Perennial Modern Classics – in 2007:
Most importantly, Solzhenitsyn aimed to show that, contrary to what many believed, the Gulag was not an incidental phenomenon, something which the Soviet Union could essentially eliminate or outgrow. Rather, the prison system had been an essential part of the Soviet economic and political system from the very beginning.
Pertaining to the twenty-twenties totalitaria we have sleep-walked into, it must be shown for the ‘record books’ that the new digital gulags are not and were not an “incidental phenomenon”. Indeed, our beckoning digital gulags encompass digital ID, biometrics, age verification, medical records, central bank digital currencies, travel restrictions, and social credit scoring. This system is and has been an essential part of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 economic and political system from the very beginning.
Applebaum further wrote in The Gulag Archipelago Vol.2 foreword:
The truthfulness continues to give the book a freshness and an importance which will never be challenged. For a contemporary reader, the book brilliantly evokes a mentality which no longer exists, and which is increasingly difficult to describe or explain: the atmosphere of constant fear, the constant temptation of betrayal; the ubiquity of secret police; the reversal of “normal” values; the generalized cruelty that permeated the culture of the Gulag, and of the Soviet Union itself.
In the year two thousand and twenty-four Anno Domini, truthfulness is being relentlessly challenged, fact-checked, and tainted as ‘conspiracy theory’. Our would-be-overlords know this too, for they demand it. They relish in confusing us to the point of no longer being able to distinguish between reality and unreality, neither right or wrong, nor truth or falsehoods. They revel in ecstasy as more of our fellow human beings become cruel vessels of propaganda-directed-hatred to be aimed at the other.
Sadly, despite Applebaum’s words bringing relief in 2007 – speaking to our collective perceived moral superiority at that time, in having evolved beyond constant fear and betrayal – normal values have once again been reversed, yet now on a global scale. We must be careful to not conflate the citizens of any given country with the people who are running their government; for the ‘serfs’ have very little say or influence in the actions of their misleaders. The overwhelming majority of us are now viewed as serfs by the parasite class, within our shared neofeudalistic tax cattle prison planet.
We do however, have a say and influence in how we interact with those around us; our friends, our families, our colleagues, and the businesses we choose to support or boycott. We are also in control of whether we acquiesce with prevailing narratives out of fear and indoctrination, or instead choose to resist assimilation into the hive mind system by becoming sovereign individuals. The smallest efforts in our everyday actions can have a ripple effect outwards, if we can resist consuming black pills laced with poisonous apathetic defeatism.
The prescribed micro dosage for black pill ingestion should be limited to the hardest truth of them all; one which many simply cannot stretch their imagination to accept, nor even entertain as a hypothetical possibility…
That there are people in positions of governmental power who are not acting benevolently in the interests of the people they are supposed to be serving. That there are people in positions of power who are acting malevolently towards their citizenry; to actively and intentionally do harm.
Doubtless, we all have anecdotes on depressing conversations with those close to us, that reaffirm how strong the beliefs of the majority are in the propaganda being disseminated by government think-tanks and corporate captured media. Let us focus on those beliefs as they are being framed, as presented to us by supranational bodies and the government mouthpiece media apparatus.
Digital ID looks set to be pushed through via three main trojan horse methodologies:
- The classic carrot – rolling out iterations of universal basic income, which also trials central bank digital currency, and segues into digital ID via government approved apps to qualify for eligible state welfare. Example: Thailand’s 10,000 THB digital wallet handout.
- The feigned protectorate – passing legislation to “save the children” – which actually results in digitally enslaving the adults too. Example: Australia mandating age verification for social media (and other app) users to be over 16 years old. As surmised by OffGuardian’s Kit Knightly:
From Reuters [emphasis added]:
Australia plans to trial an age-verification system that may include biometrics or government identification to enforce a social media age cut-off, some of the toughest controls imposed by any country to date.
The plan couldn’t be more obvious.
Step 1 – Create digital ID.
Step 2 – Enforce its use via “think of the children” messaging.…that’s it. It’s a two step plan.
- The nationalistic frenzy – Marketing digital ID as the solution to illegal immigration, so that those previously opposed (to c19 ‘Vax’ pass QR Codes) will unwittingly cheer for and demand it. The nationalistic appeal strategy can work in tandem with real ID / digital ID as a requirement for Voter ID. Example: USA biometric entry-exit system and contentious issues of (digital) Voter ID / electronic voting machines instead of paper ballot boxes.
Clip from 2016. Trump: “We will complete the biometric entry-exit visa tracking system”
Now, consider the aforementioned three-pronged approach for government minions to sign us up willingly for digital ID, then conceptualise the various hybridisations as laid out in this collation of headlines via the Biometric Update site:
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We could go on and on with examples from other countries until the mRNA injected cows come home, but I trust you get the point by now. This is global. This is coordinated. Aside from the three main strategies I laid out, we can deduce that other tactics revolve around commerce (palm payments), travel (airport biometrics), digital ID from cradle to crave (birth registration), surveillance (facial recognition CCTV), national ID and tax integration, as well as domestic transportation apps in lieu of physical driving licenses.
Not withstanding the most obvious proof of injection game which we all had a taste of from 2021-2023. I need not tell you that governments around the world never stopped working on programs and legislation to reintroduce ‘vaccine passports’ in the near future.
What are the “normal” values that are being reversed?
We are being seduced with convenience over privacy and anonymity. We are being deceived by calls for safety and security that actually mean surveillance and thought-crime. We are being manipulated via the engineered illegal immigration crisis, so that we thirst for digital walls to be built to keep undesirables out…Unbeknownst to most of us, that those same systems will keep us in, leading to travel restrictions for everyone, as well as more “no-knock” SWAT team home raids for whomever is the othered flavour of the month.
Aside from the obvious pitfalls already highlighted across the digital gulag, thought crimes under the chipper label of ‘hate speech’ are becoming all the rage in the observable decay across Europe’s normal values. In ramping up these endless assaults on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of expression, we are being fear conditioned to have an aversion to wrong-think.
It logically follows, that once the panopticon grid is completed with everyone aboard, the authorities can automate the dispensation of privileges, penalties, and punishments, based on an individual’s social credit score.
We are told by Twitter’s ‘X Safety’ author that we have freedom of speech not freedom of reach…
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We are being encouraged to ask our respective nanny state’s jackboots and their corporate handlers to ‘help us’, by consenting to being silenced, whilst we practice self-censoring.
[Clip from The Handmaid’s Tale Season 3 Episode 6: “Do you want to silence us all?”]
Back to our non-fictional real world agendas – remember, China has always been the blueprint as the pilot study for rolling out the most extreme, technocratically enforced restrictions on freedom of movement, compared to anywhere else on the planet.
Two noteworthy examples of thought-crime arrest incidents:
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The shocking treatment meted out to my colleague Allison Pearson, a brilliant columnist much beloved of Telegraph readers, must serve as the final wake-up call. She recounts how two police officers came knocking at her door at 9.40am on Remembrance Sunday to inform her that she was being investigated over a post on X, formerly Twitter, published a year ago.
Still in her dressing gown, she was stunned. The officers refused to tell Pearson which of her many posts their visit related to. They wouldn’t remind her what she had written. They weren’t allowed to tell her who complained; so much for open justice. The officers weren’t to blame: they were following Kafkaesque procedures dictated by an out-of-control technocratic machine.
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These seemingly petty arrests should alarm us all, as we are only in the first act of our living police state screenplay. Physical gulags provide fear aversion for digital gulags as an impetus to warn other infidels to get in line. Digital gulags can be policed both by the management of corporations with the various biometrics and app database contracts, as well as by all those who love big brother and would happily turn in their own kin…
Via Substack notes I posted this on August 12th 2024:
UK: Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online.
Via The Independent:
Children will be taught how to spot extremist content and fake news online under planned changes to the school curriculum.
Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said she was launching a review of the curriculum in primary and secondary schools to embed critical thinking across multiple subjects and arm children against “putrid conspiracy theories”.
Pupils might analyse newspaper articles in English lessons in a way that would help weed out fabricated clickbait from true reporting. In computer lessons, they could be taught how to spot fake news sites and maths lessons could include analysing statistics in context.
Reminiscent of the character ‘Parsons’ being arrested in Orwell’s 1984 after his 7 year old daughter reported him for ‘thought-crime’…
Via Substack notes I posted this on August 13th 2024:
UK Police promoting a climate of fear: “We are coming for you”.
“You will face the full force of the law”
Here is a compilation of clips featuring police officers and news broadcasters discussing action to be taken following the UK riots at that time:
Was the film V for Vendetta a film or a documentary?
Circling back to The Gulag Archipelago Vol.2 (PDF download link), on page 10 Solzhenitsyn quotes Lenin, Sobrannye Sochineniya (Collected Works), fifth edition, Vol. 36:
“The suppression of a minority of exploiters by the majority of the hired slaves of yesterday is a matter so comparatively easy, simple and natural, that it is going to cost much less in blood…will be much cheaper for humanity” than the preceding suppression of the majority by the minority.
Solzhenitsyn goes on to quote a professor of statistics, saying that Lenin’s “comparatively easy” repression cost sixty-six million lives.
We do not yet know how darkly events will turn in our modern day blended digital-physical gulags, nor what the final body count will be. For now, we should be cognisant of the details along the way, if any resistance is to be mounted whatsoever. The police state has started its crackdown on freedom of speech and freedom of thought. The corporatocracy is in full effect, as banks obligingly de-bank and unperson people considered to be persona non grata.
How far can unpersoning a person go before they have zero agency?
If we always think in terms of opposites, antonyms, and extremes on any given narrative’s spectrum, we can predict its most extreme logical conclusion.
If a person is debanked then also locked out of partaking in society because they do not sign up for digital ID, what else is there to take away from them aside from their life?
Denaturalization is the case in which citizenship or nationality is revoked by the state against the wishes of the citizen. In practice, there may not be a clear-cut distinction between non-consensual revocation and renunciation of citizenship. Some sources distinguish denaturalization, as the reversal of naturalization, from denationalization, as the revocation of citizenship more generally.
A follow up piece to this article shall examine The Corrosion of Normal Values – I will cover the (engineered?) ‘woke revolution’, the push for assisted dying legislation aka state sponsored suicide, and other topics that need more attention.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based writer. Follow Creed Speech on Substack. Any support is greatly appreciated.
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