Once again, leftists are redefining a word right before our very eyes in order to move their agenda forward.
We all know how the leftists of long ago redefined the word “gay” from its traditional meaning of “happy and joyous” to now mean “homosexual.” And we all remember how they later redefined the word “marriage” from its traditional meaning of “union between man and woman” to now mean “union between at least one biological human (despite whatever their self-identification may actually be at any given moment) and however many of pretty much anything else.”
Democrat leftists have also redefined the word “election” from its traditional meaning of “people legally voting their preference, those being votes counted honestly and a winner declared,” to now mean “Democrats continuing to count votes in elections where the Republican has more votes at the end of the election, for up to a month past the election until the Democrat candidate miraculously comes out on top even in deep red areas, and then calling an abrupt conclusion to the counting.”
And now we see the word “pardon” is being redefined before our very eyes.
Traditionally, a pardon could be granted by the president or a governor for a crime that was known to have been committed. Among the earliest pardons were George Washington’s granted to Philip Vigol and John Mitchel, who were both convicted of treason for their roles in the Whiskey Rebellion. Washington’s pardons created relief for the recipients, and as a result they were spared from suffering the consequences their crimes.
Later in our country’s history, perhaps the most famous pardon occurred when President Gerald Ford preemptively pardoned President Richard Nixon for crimes the latter was alleged to have committed, but was not yet convicted of. Nixon was very openly accused of specific crimes, and a Senate trial for those specific allegations was indeed imminent had the pardon not occurred. But the pardon was preemptive in that Nixon was not yet convicted, and as it turns out, never was.
In retrospect, the expansion of the pardon to include alleged crimes as opposed to convicted crimes served to create a very slippery slope concerning what actually constitutes a legitimate pardon.
Because now we see Joe Biden redefining the word “pardon” by decree, and expanding it to now include “blanket immunity for any unknown crime where no accusation has been made.” And this blanket immunity is claimed by Biden to be absolute and without legal recourse.
There exists in the Constitution no enumerated power for a president, or anyone else, to redefine words in order to substantively change the meaning of the Constitution, especially when history reveals clearly what its meaning has been for centuries. Yet this is exactly what is happening before our very eyes. Again.
Pardons are clearly intended to apply to known crimes, convictions and, by questionable extension via the Nixon case, known accusations. But now it’s a blanket immunity for any and all things known and unknown over vast amounts of time just because Joe Biden says it is?
What Joe Biden is doing is actually accomplishing two things for him and his ilk. First is the obvious of letting his son escape any and all accountability under the law.
But probably more important to the cabal, is that Joe is making a declaration on their behalf that “Yes, we have a two-tiered justice system. Yes, we will do whatever we want, and no, we will pay no price for any of our wrongdoing. But you people, yes, you will do exactly what we tell you to do. Or else yes, you will pay whatever price we decide to exact from you.”
This is not how our constitutional republic is supposed to work.
So where are the champions of the rule of law? Where are those who would protect and defend the Constitution, just as they swore they would when they took their oaths of office?
Clearly, not a single Democrat is on board. And apparently, no Republicans are either. Sure, a few Republicans are out there spewing the usual garbage: “Can you imagine if this were a Republican doing this?” But unfortunately for the country, that is the full extent and the abrupt conclusion of their resistance.
So here we see how yet again, the leftists are changing the definition of a single word in order to force a monumental movement forward in their agenda. And once again, their now tried and true tactic is working splendidly for them.
And apparently nobody is calling out this root issue of word redefinition except for a single, basically irrelevant commentator in yours truly. And so far, at least, not a single Republican has displayed even the slightest intention of actually doing anything of substance to stop it. Perhaps many of them think they themselves are going to need this new blanket immunity by decree at some point, and this is why they are so silent.