Iranian missiles and drones get intercepted during an attack against Israel on Saturday, April 13, 2024. (Video screenshot)

As concern mounted over the wave of unidentified drones flying over populated areas of the Northeast, President Trump felt compelled to cancel his trip to his New Jersey home this weekend. Trump soberly declined to say whether he had received a classified security briefing about the drones, but pointed out that “The government knows what is happening. Our military knows, and our president knows, and for some reason they want to keep people in suspense.”

White House spokesman John Kirby is not disclosing the full story, obviously, as he’s already backed off his implausible assertion that most of the low-flying objects are really airplanes. He still insists, however, that hobbyists are behind many of these drones, which are too large, too sophisticated and flying too late at night to be from amateurs amusing themselves.

It appears likely that the numerous high-tech drones are searching for something from their low altitude of 400 feet and less. By flying only at night they must be using sensors that can detect substances on the ground in the dark.

After four years of an open border under Biden, it’s possible that a weapon of mass destruction has been smuggled into our country. But it’s more likely that this drone operation is another stunt by the Deep State to exert power over everyday Americans, and even Trump, under the false pretense of national security.

Realistically, threats from distant lands of destruction in America are probably nothing more than a teenage boy in someone’s basement emailing a prank message. The calls to Springfield, Ohio, in September that shut down its schools and hospitals were phony threats from a foreigner that were taken too seriously.

Trump said on Monday that Biden knows what is behind these drones and that he should tell the American people. Any assumption that there would be panic about a revelation, for example, that the drones are looking for a nuclear weapon, would underestimate the resilience and healthy skepticism of the public about fake news from D.C.

The political timing of this mystery is suspect. Merely a month from Trump’s inauguration and on the eve of the annual bloated defense appropriation in Congress, whereby billions are wastefully allocated to a military having too many generals and not enough recruits, a more ingenious public relations stunt at this time for boosting expenditures is difficult to imagine.

The Deep State is demonically clever at asserting its own power and obtaining more lavish funding for itself, and may never fess up to the truth about this. Someone is probably making a fortune at taxpayer expense by providing these high-tech drones in the Northeast.

The federal government claims to have exclusive authority to regulate everyone’s airspace such that Deep State drones can buzz our homes late at night. One of these large drones, reportedly as big as an SUV or refrigerator, could crash into someone’s living room and kill innocent inhabitants there.

Part of the game plan may be to get Trump to back off from draining the Swamp and fumigating the intelligence community. This apparently military exercise is a way for the overpaid and underproductive spooks in D.C. to reassert their authority over our incoming president, even forcing him away from his summer home.

“Something strange is going on,” Trump said Monday. “For some reason they don’t want to tell the people.”

Meanwhile, the usually talkative Elon Musk has been oddly silent about these drones, like the dog that didn’t bark in the famous Sherlock Holmes tale, which suggests that Musk may be selling drone technology under one of his many contracts with our military. Musk’s SpaceX has the expertise to pull off this type of operation while evading detection by Americans who have a right to know who is flying a few hundred feet over their homes.

“National security” is the phony reason given for the planned shutdown of TikTok on Jan. 19, the day before the inauguration of Trump. Supposedly, watching funny videos of children’s mishaps, embarrassing moments, and overbearing official behavior poses such a threat to our country from China that this popular rival of liberal-controlled Facebook and YouTube must be forced out of business.

Trump met with the CEO of TikTok on Monday, observing that the platform helped Trump get elected by enabling him to reach young voters. Liberals control schools, the media and other internet platforms, so TikTok is one of the few ways that a conservative message can reach them.

TikTok users and most of the American public would shrug their shoulders at a claim that a weapon of mass destruction may have been smuggled into our country, thereby supposedly justifying this intrusive drone operation. Many Americans want to know the truth about these drones, and want them out of their airspace over their homes.