They Are Mercilessly Defiling Society at its Base: The Next Generation
[Note from TriTorch: Hello good folks, thiswill likely be a very difficult read. After all, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you. And this is the abyss. Unmoor your boats and put a tight grip on your millstones, ladies and gentlemen. You will need them. They are sadistically bursting the dam of morality that holds back the tides of unchecked evil.
You’re going to have to get off the bench and in your school board’s face to solve this. As Reasonable Horses put it: “As promising as the Trump admin appears, secular cultures that rot from the bottom up do not magically heal from the top down.”
It is our duty to heal this from the bottom up. Outside of divine intervention, no one is coming to these precious childrens’ rescue, except us. To my fellow Christian readers, a new friend recently mentioned that, “prayer is the most powerful weapon in our arsenal against evil”, and I agree, but prayer that isn’t fortified with action is far more likely to be a toothless tiger. Our choices are to either sit on the bench and wait for armageddon or jump into the fray and do our best to thwart it. Which course do you think God prefers? To wield your valor or to run and cower?
After reading please take a look at the author’s note at the end.]
Ramming the Overton Window Hellish Places it Should Never Go
Timeline of how deviant behavior becomes normalized a step at a time:
We’ll Get Them Through Their Children
Key Tenet to this Article: Pedophiles go where the children are.
A pattern that you will notice if you stare into this abyss long enough is that if an organization claims to exist to protect, educate, or house children, then that organization has more than likely devolved into a predator front and is using their stated purpose to gain total access to the most vulnerable among us. This applies to UNICEF and the WHO as well as you will soon see.
How far will we let them go before we launch them like a rocket right back to the hell they slithered out of? The evil that follows is boundless. If there is one thing sacred in society it’s our children. They are innocent, naive, and impressionable and must be protected at all costs. Full stop. And they are currently being assaulted and corrupted from every angle.
Here we go. Buckle your seat belt.
The Road to All Out Ruin
Here are the World Health Organization’s revised sex education guidelines for 0-4 years of age. A common initial tactic for pedophiles to loosen up their victims is to first talk to them about their private parts, but the WHO blows right past that and jumps straight into ‘early childhood masturbation’. If any teacher follows these guidelines and shatters the trust of a classroom environment along with the sacred teacher student relationship they should immediately be strung up by their toes, and here the WHO outright recommends injecting this depravity directly into the curriculum of children during their most vulnerable years. If this doesn’t scream to you that the devil himself is buckled into the driver’s seat of this s—show, I do not know what would:
Once groomed from ages 0-4 with masturbation and “homework” assignments…
…children will then be seasoned enough to kick it up all the way to sexual consent by age 5:
A primary objective of this nightmare transformation is to get rid of and delegitimize age-of-consent laws by pretending little kids are actually “little adults”, mature enough to decide anything for themselves, so that when they are raped by actual adults its “consensual”. That’s what this is about: legalizing child trafficking and granting unhindered, all access backstage passes, to children. This will destroy society at its base: the next generation.
Here an ACLU lawyer argues that children as young as two know whether they are trans or not, and that castrating them is their choice:

As well as Colorado where predators that purchase 1 to 5 year old children for sex get probation. Efforts to give harsher penalties were blocked on the logic that the predators are victims themselves:

Back in the classroom: Now that consent has been established and many children have no doubt already been raped by their teachers: Moving further up the age range we have the WHO directing educators to discuss these sexual experiences with their 9-12 year old victims because by this time – if we do not end this insanity soon – this sickness will belong right at home in a classroom that was once presumably supposed to be educating children with reading, writing, and arithmetic rather than teachers inducing sex with them which is exactly where this will lead and is specifically designed to lead. There is no way back from black holes like this once they get a foothold, and if we abide this bottomless evil it will march us directly into Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0.
Goodbye architects, engineers, artists, and philosophers, hello academia engineered 8 year old child predators raping six month old babies:

When pedophiles rape children, the assault typically opens with a conversation just like the one the vile WHO representatives are having with two 9 year olds about “playing with their dick”, sex, orgasms, and clitorises from this Teaching Children to Masturbate seminar in the following video. If nothing is done to stop this, it will be the same conversations reprobate “educators” will be having with your children behind locked and restricted school doors:
Raping children ruins their mind and potential and transforms them into child predators themselves. The miscreants pushing this agenda know that very well—the goal of this is obviously the destruction of western civilization. So, as if right on cue, Berlin is now installing masturbation rooms in their daycares:

Think America is immune? Think again, the cancer has spread to the home of the brave as well: here an assistant principle from Gainsville Florida argues that pornography is good in class for grades K thru 5. If this wretch wasn’t fired and immediately booked with charges after this testsmony, we are in serious trouble:
From that assistant principle’s degenerate attitude you can draw a straight line to this debased Ohio school where they are teaching their impressionable 5th graders that there is, no speed limit on masturbation:
Teachers are also leading the charge to destigmatize pedophilia. Here one scolds some children in her class when they call pedophiles pedophiles rather than MAPs or ‘miner attracted persons’. She was thankfully fired:

This is where the LGBTQ movement has been leading us all along. Luckily many lesbian and gays have caught on that their cause has been hijacked by utterly depraved child molesters and are speaking up and forming groups fight back against this slide into total ruin (many do not want to have their reputations linked and dragged through the heinous mud of pedophilia). Some parents have had enough as well. Here a fed up mother takes us all to school on how to handle this sickness in the classroom:
The son’s marvelous pride of his warrior mom in that video is the only type of rainbow pride that belongs in schools. Did you notice they put the pride flag over the map? Schools are degrading into indoctrination factories for the New World Disorder. Here a WEF spokesman admits normalizing LGBTQ is their agenda:
(Much more information on this insidious subversion, here)
After Those Dumpster Fire Revelations, Its Time to Smile
How to handle all of this fresh hell? A mayor from Ohio gives us the lesson we all need:
“Resign or be arrested and charged”, mic drop, roaring applause? Oh my my, oh hell yes! Send this message across America and then the world: teachers, school boards, and the NGOs pushing this civilization shattering itinerary, you’ve just been put on notice!
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
It is no exaggeration to say that this article could have easily been ten times as long as what it ended up being. Extensive research down this rabbit hole has been done on my part and like a megalopolis sewer system, this sickness just wends its way on and on and on and on. To say this author acquired PTSD from this nightmare excavation would probably not be far from the truth. Children are pure potential – for good or evil – and hurting and/or corrupting them is basically the most heinous crime that can be found on my moral compass.
Our progeny are uncut diamonds of promise. Where adults lead, filled with faith and trust, they innocently and naively follow. This stewardship is an enormous and sacred responsibility for us to shoulder. We must therefore always strive to steer their ships straight and true.
We now know the horrific destination to which the WHO wants to spirit them. But those degenerates are hardly the masters of our childrens’ fate—that’s on us. Meanwhile their fate will involve firing squads should we meet this challenge.
You can dig further into this sewer yourself by visiting this vast library of information (I built it over the past four years), but be warned, it is not for the faint of heart, and, there is already more than enough information right here to alert you to the clear and present dangers we are facing and need to immediately tackle.
This last list is an assortment of evidence of how they are check-marking this abhorrent checklist and how pedophiles have infiltrated various children’s venues (disney, nickelodeon, drag queen story hour).
They are trying to warp attitudes surrounding this most base of crimes and the mentally deranged criminals who commit them by warping language and definitions of age-old terms thereby corrupting our thoughts about child rape. This is being done for the same reason words were being destroyed in 1984.
Below you will find that they are working night and day to shred the norms of sexual propriety from every conceivable angle. There are many very sick people in positions of great power and influence, and they mean business. It’s far past time for us to meet fire with fire and evict & convict them.
The Degeneracy Continuum
More WHO sex ed guidelines for young children:

Disney’s been broadcasting their true nature for decades, and because they do a lot of work with children, where they go, the pedophiles follow:

Finally: Drag Queen Story Hour, The Shocking Yet Obvious Truth

Drag Queen: What in the hell has a drag queen ever done to make you respect and admire them so much? Keep your kids away from us. We perform for adults:
Hideous Drag Queen teaches very young innocent children to simulate sex (twerk) during storytime:

If you found this nauseating to read, just try to imagine what researching and writing it was like.
It goes without saying that no matter the costs we collectively cannot allow this madness to unfold—it will destroy these childrens’ minds and ultimately wreck civilization.
Go to your school board meetings even if you do not have kids – if you fail to attend and stand and deliver this is going to ricochet on you like a shot from a gun – and give them hell.
Who are we as a society if we fail to protect the most vulnerable? And where will such inexcusable inaction take us? Only where we deserve to go, and that won’t be anywhere we want to be. Remember:
Personal Note from TriTorch (12/18/24)
My son gave me his Christmas wish list, and I do not have the heart to tell him I cannot fulfill it. As some of you know, I suffered an attack in late September – due to work just like this article – that left me jobless and homeless. In the struggle to get back on my feet, I have come to the conclusion that I will need a car as both shelter and a platform to get to day jobs, and most importantly a transport to see my son this holiday. This will basically solve all my problems and will end the need to turn this work – which was supposed to be free and my contribution to try to forge a better future – into a humbling beg-a-thon.
The goal is to raise $2500. If any of you are so kind to donate, you will be entered into a drawing to win a flash drive containing almost 30GB of archived history which I have been compiling since 2020. Thousands of hours have gone into this project, so it will be worth your while. Those who control the past control the present, we cannot, then, allow them to rewrite or erase it. (They’re already trying:, probably the web’s most precious resource, was hacked earlier this year.) Distributed history like this library acts as a bulwark against that outcome.
Please accept my apologies for asking yet again for help. With luck it will be the final time. They knocked me into a deep dark hole, and I am struggling very hard to get out. Any help you can give, no matter how small, is gratefully appreciated, and will enter you into the drawing for the flash drive!
PayPal: [email protected]
Merry Christmas and best wishes to all of you and to those that you hold dear.
This is my son and the primary reason for this work. We MUST forge a future worth living in for the next generation:

Signing off (for now):
Addendum: One Final Total Abomination to Drill the Point Home That the Children Need You NOW
Joy read argues FOR books about child rape and incest being freely available in grade school libraries—on national television: