It’s time for the 2024 version of an earlier poem, “‘Twas the night before Election.”
‘Twas the day after election, and all through the land,
The people were smiling and striking up the band.
The Democrats were mournful and sad as can be,
Blaming each other, “Was it you? Was it me?”
“Trump’s been reelected,” the newscaster said,
“Things will be different, the country’s turned red.”
The people were saying, “the Dems just don’t care,
We are all tired of ‘insanity fair.’”
From the top of the mountains to the coast by the sea,
The people are happy, as happy can be.
The terrorist all trembled, as Trump gave a thought,
“Change real soon, or you will be naught.”
Trump’s brought in DOGE, of this there’s no doubt,
Feds show up for work, even if you pout.
Yes, you can have a fit, if that’s what you must,
But you’re on the way out with a trail of dust.
Countries round the world are happy with hope,
And we’ll all get along, if they’ll quit selling dope.
But even Mexico’s learned something’s going down,
For now we all have a new sheriff in town.
Dems are all screaming, “Pardon me, pardon me,”
If they’ve done nothing wrong, why would that be?
From Biden’s son, to Adam Schiff, to Liz Cheney,
Like rats fleeing a shipwreck as fast as can be.
As stench from the swamp oozes out of the way,
There is a lot of hope we can have a new day.
It will be a shame if we don’t lock them away,
For the wicked and evil should be kept at bay.
Hopefully Trump can prevent World War III,
If Biden would stop and just let Ukraine be.
But Biden is old and doesn’t care for the world,
Put Joe is his basement and keep him there squirreled.
But let’s get out of the ditch and look to the sun,
A brighter day’s near, so let’s have some fun.
Wear your red hats wherever you go,
That say “Trump” on the front, so all seeing will know.
We’re proud of our president, and we pray for the best,
And we’ll try to keep Dems from stealing the rest.
But Trump’s a good man and he’ll do a good deed,
So, let’s all pray for him, and wish him “Godspeed.”
Again, I was inspired to song:
I’m Dreaming of a Trump White House
Lyrics by Richard Blakley and D. Padgett Blakley
I’m dreaming of a Trump White House;
I’m longing for it to appear,
With its common-sense agenda,
And wise and thriving addenda,
With joy watching Biden disappear.
I’m dreaming of a Trump White House;
And every mandate that he’ll write,
Making America Great Again and bright
And we’ll all sleep peacefully at night.