An unnamed migrant from Guatemala was arrested in New York City after allegedly setting a woman on fire on the subway. Video and picture evidence shows the migrant walking up a random woman sleeping and setting her clothing on fire with a lighter. The woman attempted to stumble around after being awakened by the flames. Unfortunately, she died at the scene.

The migrant and the victim did not know each other. He was photographed sitting on a bench watching the woman burn the entire time until the arrival of police. He attempted to get away but was apprehended after three high schoolers noticed him and alerted authorities.

This crime represents yet another issue with criminal migrants in New York City. Other cities, such as Chicago and Denver, are dealing with some of the same issues. The Biden Administration have been heavily criticized for their open borders policy. Some say the policy is in place to stimulate the economy. Others may recognize the effort to import more cheap workers as one with good intentions, but obviously there are significant drawbacks to allowing every Tom, Dick, and Harry into the United States unfettered.


Guatemalan migrant accused of setting NYC subway rider on fire

Woman dies after being set on fire in subway, person of interest in custody: NYPD – YouTube

The post Guatemalan Migrant Arrested After Setting NYC Subway Rider On Fire appeared first on Anthony Brian Logan.