As we welcome the second Trump administration, there are many hopes that pro-family, pro-life Americans share. Here’s my top ten list:
10. Close our border and carry out promised deportations. It’s critical for the safety of our nation’s families from terrorists, foreign gangs and those hoping to rip off American taxpayers through welfare dependency. We must also restrict the flow of illegal drugs and block sex/human trafficking.
9. Reprioritize global religious freedom. All Christians are in danger when genocidal actions are allowed to continue without the U.S. using its influence to bring it to an end. Put nations like Nigeria back on the religious freedom watch list after Muslims in that country have carried out systematic massacres of Christians over the last several decades (approximately 62,000 Christians killed). Democrats apparently don’t care, the U.N. doesn’t care, if black Muslims kill black Christians. We need to publicize these actions and use U.S. influence to end the murders and insist on punishment of the perpetrators.
8. Stop organized anti-Semitism. Supporters of “Palestine” are openly calling for the murder of Jews. Jewish families are suddenly terrified for their children. Missing are the FBI, law enforcement and the DOJ to bring charges of sedition and insurrection against these groups, mostly bought and paid for by the most extreme anti-American domestic (and perhaps foreign?) elements. Do not doubt that Christians in the U.S. will be their next target.
7. Stop funding child corruption. All funding streams through HHS and DOE that encourage obscene and irresponsible sex education promoting abortion and “LGBTQ” behaviors must end. Start with this one. Also, funding for authentic abstinence must be ramped up and the pretender programs that claim abstinence but lead adolescents into early sexual activity need to be weeded out.
6. End all funding for Planned Parenthood. Children die and teens are corrupted through the actions of Planned Parenthood. There are unfortunately numerous leftist foundations and donors foolish enough to keep contributing millions to this depraved, death-oriented organization, so the federal government does not need to soil American taxpayers by funding this group. No Title X funding, no Medicaid reimbursement, no funding for transgender medications that mutilate healthy bodies. Let’s get this done.
5. End all federal transgender support policies. Gender distortion elevates a lie as a terrible example for our children. Acceptance of military “trans” identities needs to go. The unauthorized proposed changes to Title IX need to be scrapped as well as any other support through the DOE (and also closing that agency for good, as I covered in another recent article here.). Any reimbursements through the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) for trans procedures need to end. And all mental health “support” through HHS must end. No person is born in the wrong sex body. We need to return to a foundation of truth.
4. End SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) non-discrimination policies in DOE, DOJ, DOL and EEOC. There is no federal law banning “discrimination” on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Nevertheless, starting with Obama, various agencies have simply “discovered” enough court citations and, fed by their own vain imaginations, have issued “guidance” that cases of discrimination from schools and businesses based on non-biological sexual/gender preferences and all the nonsense that goes alongside, are now valid. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Bostock is being too widely misapplied and needs to be challenged with new cases. Many of these harassment lawsuits have destroyed individuals, families and businesses. Go here and here for more information.
3. End FBI and DOJ harassment and persecution of Christians in the U.S. If you are an opponent of abortion, homosexual behavior or gender identity, or a parent who objects to propaganda at your child’s school, you have been a potential target of the FBI, the DOJ or other federal agencies for harassment investigations or lawsuits. Several older pro-life women are now in jail for demonstrating at an abortion clinic. The FBI descended on the home of a pro-life activist and held him in jail for seven months for pushing (with no harm) an in-your-face abortion clinic protector who was threatening his son. Mark Houck was acquitted of the false charges. This abuse of power must end.
2. End promotion of “LGBTQ” behaviors or identities. Federal agencies are laced with homosexual/transgender programs featuring corrupting lessons for children, workplace or teacher “training” (propaganda), college nonsense, one-viewpoint mental health “support” or legal strong-arming to force acceptance of deviant conduct. All of it needs to end. There is too much to document, but here’s one outrageous example: Los Angeles middle schoolers paid to leave the school building to attend “LGBTQ” activist training, a program funded by the NIH.
1. End all support for abortion. Both Obama and Biden did everything possible through federal agencies to promote abortion, even proposing regulations (unauthorized, as usual) to ban Christian employers from refusing to cover abortion or birth control. At the last minute, the Biden administration quietly withdrew this proposed ban. We hope Trump will reinstitute the Mexico City policy and much more to roll back all the ways the federal government can promote and enable the destruction of human life.
Lord, we ask for your divine guidance and Almighty protection for our country. It is only through You that we can bring truth, justice and a culture of life back to America.