Are we now to feel the fallout effects from AI-driven mass automation of jobs? Lately I’ve had lots of conversations with friends about which of our jobs will be automated within five years. Is obsolescence to reign supreme? Time will tell. I am more interested in what appears to be a coordinated campaign to embed bizarre endorsements for transhumanism on the back of AI predictions for the future, which are being seeded in the public consciousness as necessary, desirable, inevitable, and fashionable. Personally, I find calls for altering the human genome, and the concept of biodigital convergence, verydisturbing.
I trust that my stance is clear from the articles penned within this Transhumanism and A.I section of my Substack – I am pro-human. I am anti-Transhumanism. I can embrace new technologies for the betterment of humanity and ‘progress’, yet I shall not abate my deeply rooted concerns over genetic products and the insanity of pursuing augmented life extension based upon the merging of man with machine. I am happy and content being a bog standard organic human – are you? I do not wish to seek ‘upgrades’ to my ‘meat suit’ – do you? I will pursue longevity of life through exercise, good nutrition, and exploring the mind.
Look after your body, and your body shall look after you.
The first thing to note about this revealing document is that it is an official Government of Canada publication. More specifically, it is from “Policy Horizons Canada,” which describes itself as “a federal government organization that conducts foresight.” Clear as mud? Well, apparently their mandate is “to help the Government of Canada develop future-oriented policy and programs that are more robust and resilient in the face of disruptive change on the horizon,” and they are a government “foresight center,” complete with a “Chief Futurist” and a team of “Foresight Analysts” who work in the Government of Canada’s first “innovation lab” producing regular “MetaScans” on topics of interest to the government, including “behavioural insights and experimentation.”
If that sounds like a lot of federal bureaucratic gobbledygook designed to obfuscate the fact that this is just a government think tank that talks about future trends and developments, then don’t worry. That’s exactly what it is.
The second thing you’ll notice about the document is the smirking face of Kristel Van der Elst, who, we are told, is Director General of Policy Horizons Canada and the erstwhile author of this document’s foreword. Three seconds of searching will reveal that Ms. Van der Elst is the former Head of Strategic Foresight at (you guessed it) the World Economic Forum, whose globalist bingo card is almost as impressive as Dr. Leana Wen’s. In addition to being intimate with the Davos crowd, she’s also a Fulbright Scholar who went to Yale, Special Advisor to European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, and, in addition to heading up Policy Horizons Canada, is also a fellow at the Center for Strategic Foresight of the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Quelle surprise.
So what does Van der Elst say in her foreword?
In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural [all emphases in this article are mine].
Guess what, guys? I have just found my go-to synopsis for when I’m asked to explain the great reset and the fourth industrial revolution in a nutshell. Right there in a few short, crisp sentences, is exactly what I’ve been warning about regarding the transhumanist agenda for 13 years now. But in the true spirit of the open conspiracy, since this is a bland admission from a senior government think tank worker it will undoubtedly be viewed as a boring, self-evident truth by the normies who seek to find a way to downplay the coming extinction of the human race.
From there, things only get weirder.
The document goes on to outline “Three ways biodigital convergence is emerging,” namely:
Full physical integration of biological and digital entities;
Coevolution of biological and digital technologies; and
Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems,
Please re-read that list in case you didn’t grasp its significance the first time. But in case you didn’t catch the importance of those trends, the report then provides some concrete examples of each.
Regarding the “Full physical integration of biological and digital entities,” the document notes:
Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces. The medical use of digital devices in humans, as well as digitally manipulated insects such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digital technology being combined with biological entities. By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.
I covered the origins of Transhumanism as being rooted in eugenics, when I wrote in this piece:
Transhumanism has its roots in eugenics. Eugenics is the practice of state sponsored sterilisation of the disabled, mentally handicapped, or those otherwise deemed “unfit to breed.” Here is a (1min24sec) clip from a film from 1934 called Tomorrow’s Children in which eugenics is advocated for, and a woman is told of plans to sterilise her and her family to avoid future generations of “feeble-minded” children being brought into the world. *Not my words – the words of eugenicists.
I mused over how Transhumanism could be ‘sold’ to the masses:
Whitney Webb wrote a brilliant piece – A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction – in which she weaves the surveillance state agenda together with genomic surveillance, biodigital convergence and the overarching transhumanist agenda.
I draw the link between mRNA injections and transhumanism as the literal experimentation of genetically altering humanity. Testing limits of tolerance for lipid nanoparticles in order to perfect secrets to longevity for those at the top capstone of the pyramidal new world order hierarchy. Obviously there are batches of the mRNA injections designed to maim, sterilise, and kill too.
Aside from mRNA injections, other transhumanist ideals are slowly going mainstream with the promise of youthfulness attainment, regeneration of cells, and enhancement.
I see a connection between subverting, inverting, or destroying biological gender with intersectionality and “gender fluidity”, climate delusions, and transhumanism.
If individuals experience gender dysphoria at a young age, they are likely to act on this through surgical procedures. Having altered their physicality through surgical and chemical means, they could be receptive to further augmentation via implantable technology (RFID chip / brain-chip). If they are particularly confused with their dysphoria, they may opt to go one step further and get rid of their physical bodies entirely.
If they also buy into the climate delusion, this could be an additional catalyst to reduce their carbon footprint, by exiting their emission-causing meatsuit and becoming entirely digital.
Predictive programming case in point; a 3 minute clip from an old BBC series “years and years” in which a teenage girl tells her parents exactly that:
Transhumanism – We may be surprised at how quickly nanotechnological medical treatments and augmentation could be embraced. With Elon Musk’s neuralink teasing solutions to degenerative brain diseases and language center enhancements, and the rise of the bio-circular economy, whereby your biological material is bought, sold, and traded, this shall become a new multi-tiered industry. In their desperation to seek a return to a better quality of life, the increasing number of neurologically damaged people (as a result of the C19 injections) could be primed to become major consumers of these new technologies. The concept of biodigital convergence may also see biological brains and / or digitised consciousness, housed in silicon (non-carbon) bodies. New species of (Trans)humans would come into being. Homo Sapiens would then perpetuate the reproduction of their species with less frequency.
In a podcast with Ben Bartee and Joe Jarvis, I brought up Joe Biden’s executive order on the bio-economy:
The document discusses expanding the legal parameters of research and development into biotechnology and manufacturing practices, whilst leveraging the fearmongering over the fake Covid-19 scamdemic. Throwaway references to ethics and best practices are present to placate those with concerns over legal quandaries and concerns. Once definition gives examples of ‘biomass’ as follows:
The term ‘‘biomass’’ means any material of biological origin that is available on a renewable or recurring basis. Examples of biomass include plants, trees, algae, and waste material such as crop residue, wood waste, animal waste and byproducts, food waste, and yard waste.
Cherry picked examples from nature are a given, but what about the biological material of humans? It figures that the executive order sets the stage for humans to have their biological material harvested and sold. For what else will we have left if theGreat Taking is a means to an end for the Great Reset? Will we be encouraged to sell the rights to our genetic code, our DNA, our blood plasma et cetera, for the ‘greater good’ of R&D – so that we can pay our rent and buy food to eat??
Referencing everything above that I have already documented with multiple sources was a necessary long-winded catch up to provide context before we can jump into the acceleration of the latest narrative du jour. Now that you are all caught up, dear reader, let us continue…
This is an interesting read, which is somewhat crypto-centric, whilst also mulling over AI advancement and job automation. I will quote a few key sections here:
A future vision for Desci: Androids on standby in a sterile, CRISPR-ready lab. An agent hires them in real-time to run replicable experiments with all inputs, parameters and measurements on-chain. Thanks to tokenization, others can speculate on the experiment’s viability – and share in its upside when it’s right.
Markets eat the world before our eyes. It is no accident that markets are expanding: prediction markets, gambling markets, memecoins and, most interesting of all, futarchies. If information is “a basic building block of reality,” putting a price on that information is a way of measuring that information’s power. People think of the growing number of markets as a symptom of growing nihilism… what if it’s actually a sign of progress? Of applying the wisdom of the crowd to what formerly felt like random coin flips?
Underweight your fear. Fears loom largest in our minds because it’s so critical to our survival. That matters bigly in the savannah… it means almost nothing in this sanitary, anesthetized, social media-driven simulation of a world we now inhabit. Recognize that algorithms are designed to stoke your fear. So when you feel it triggered, apply a significant discount to it… For example, if some article convinces you there’s 40% odds of a market crash, divide those odds by 10 (or some other number that you’re comfortable with) to get 4%.
Recognize your triggers and tell them to fuck off.
@harari_yuval identifies three triggers algorithms use to generate maximal engagement: fear, hatred and greed. We dress crypto up as world-changing tech and “the way of the future,” but a lot of it is merely greed in a pepe mask. I can literally feel how down or up markets impact my mood. And the bear over the past few years probably had more of an impact on my psyche than I want to admit. Now, when I feel the timeline or the markets altering my mood, I shrug and say, “Well played. I see what you’re doing there, and I just don’t give a fuck.”
Choose the light. There are two responses to impending artificial superintelligence: A) Throw your hands up and say, “Everything that made me unique is dead. Life sucks. We’re ngmi.” Or B) “Holy shit. I can’t believe I get to be alive for this moment. Life extension. Extraplanetary exploration. Humanoid robots. The rat race shackles will soon fall off, and we’re going to gaze into the pool of life and find out who we really are.”
We’re warned “this time is different” is a dangerous phrase believed only by idiots and fools caught up in a speculative mania. And yet, we conveniently forget all the times when technological change has been very different… when the Gutenberg press spread access to knowledge, when the industrial revolution pulled us off farms and into cities, when the internet imploded local commerce.
In other words, the phrase “this time is different” is sometimes true. We stand on the precipice of such a moment now. Society’s rules, traditions, our very perceptions of ourselves will be reborn. The process is savage, and there will be consequences.
You can cleave to the ways of the past, or you can be in the vanguard as we shine our lights into the abyss and accelerate.
The nod to Yuval Noah Harari caught my attention. Remember that Harari has been launched into notoriety over the past few years as an advisor at the WEF, infamously uttering the following soundbites:
“COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance… We need not just to monitor people; we need to monitor what’s happening under their skin…
Exactly the same technology can determine what you think about the government.”
Here is Harari at a 2018 Ted Talk titled “Will the Future Be Human?”:
Based on Harari’s contempt for humanity, his penchant for depopulation, and his blatant endorsement and promotion of transhumanism, it is alarming that the Tech Bros on Twitterati are giving this evil anti-human a shoutout in an admirable referential way.
Here is another popular Twitter thread on the same subject of AI acceleration and predictions (key excerpts included below, not the full thread):
I talked to several friends about o3 this week. Their summarized response is basically “holy crap is this actually happening?” Yes, this is actually happening. The next few years are going to be insane. This is historic stuff, galactic even. What’s ridiculous is that there’s no sophisticated discussion about what’s happening.
– Once AI starts churning out new scientific theories, the bottleneck to progress will be testing and experimentation in the physical world. The bottlenecks there are labor and materials. By that point it would be surprising if there aren’t robots that can build more robots. So labor is solved. And then materials can be mined by the robots. The timelines here will be slow because building/shipping physical stuff takes a long time, but it’s years not decades.
– Everything I’ve said above assumes no new bottlenecks are introduced to AI + robotics research/development, and that the models are allowed to learn as they please. That is almost certainly not going to happen. The biggest bottleneck to AI progress will be humans. By that I mean regulation, terrorism, and societal collapse.
Governments are not going to sit back and let the Earth be mined by automated robots run by a couple SF companies (regulation). And if the governments are too incompetent to stop them, then angry jobless people might resort to violence (terrorism). Unless people are so brain rotten from AI enhanced media that we can’t function as a society (societal collapse). If war happens, I think it won’t be a bottleneck, rather an accelerant.
Things are gonna get serious. 2025 might be the last year where AI is this wild thing SF tech twitter memes about, before the normies in suits get involved, so let’s enjoy roon and sama while we can. – Is this gonna kill everybody? I’m more scared of humans using AI badly than the AI going rogue. We have 5000 years of evidence of humans using the latest technology to kill each other.
The post-WW2 peace is an anomaly that could fall apart the second the US missteps or when an adversary thinks a first-strike is necessary to stop the AI acceleration. When the weapons get more lethal, more autonomous, the stakes get higher. The other big risk is AI causing societal chaos. AI generated media could cause mass confusion, mass hysteria, mass brain rot. An authoritarian country could win the AI race and use the new tech to deprive us all of freedom for 1000s of years.
The science-fiction world I’ve always wanted is coming. It’s coming a bit faster than expected — hence the fear — but of all the possible paths to get there, I’m not sure how much better the best path would be. This is a pretty great timeline. Top of mind things that I hope are coming within a decade: – some crazy cool physics discoveries
– Mars and Moon bases initially built by robots – perfect tutor/advice for everything (nearly here, needs good retrieval, memory, and more personality)
– biology enhancing drugs with zero side effects – getting flown around in super optimized drones – super clean energy across the board with fusion, geothermal, and lots of solar
– the unexpected: AI astronomer discovers alien signals in telescope data? AI chemist easily designs room temperature superconductor? AI physicist unifies some theories? AI mathematician solves Riemann Hypothesis? These don’t seem like science fiction anymore, they feel like nearby science reality.
– So where is this all going? Well eventually we get superintelligence and that means we get whatever the laws of physics allow for. I’d like immortality and to see other star systems. I’d also expect to upgrade our meat bodies to something way better. But by far I’m most excited to learn where the universe comes from. 10 years ago I started journalling about how much I want to know that answer and how AI will get us there, and now it could actually be happening, which is insane.
You also might need to accept an unstable life in an unstable world. It’s gonna get weird. You’re prob not gonna have two kids and a dog in the suburbs. You might have two cyborg kids and an AI dog on an interstellar ark. We’re living on the eve of AGI, and on this Christmas eve I ask that you help make the AGI transition go well, so that I can say hi to you on Christmas eve 3024 AD, on a planet four light years away orbiting Altman Centauri.
An interesting and thought provoking thread. As with the previous thread, I noticed the soft advocacy for transhumanism here:
“So where is this all going? Well eventually we get superintelligence and that means we get whatever the laws of physics allow for. I’d like immortality and to see other star systems. I’d also expect to upgrade our meat bodies to something way better.”
I am finding it harder and harder to make a distinction between predictive programming and prophetic warnings from authors and philosophers. The science fiction of yesterday – once posited in the public consciousness – has a way of becoming curated into reality, or at least being massively promoted conceptually. This rings true not only for television and film, but also in books. I have enjoyed reading a collection of science fiction novels by Richard Morgan over the past couple of years.
Morgan is a talented writer who paints vivid dystopian futurescapes with his pen, as an artist uses a brush to select a broad colour spectrum palette. Lately I have been reminded of the various storylines from Morgan’s books, as they clash with the transhumanism cult of our reality – which seems hellbent on actualising biodigital convergence in its most extreme endgame conclusions.
I shall give a brief synopsis of Morgan’s books, as you will note how the storylines parallel the aforementioned twitter thread wishes for transhumanism, as well as other stories featured in the news cycles lately about colonising Mars…
This series spans three books and was also launched on Netflix as two seasons along with animated spin-offs. The premise is predicated upon a future where all humans are implanted with a ‘cortical stack’ in their neck from birth – a government mandated brain-interface device which digitises consciousness, recording all memories of the lived experience from cradle to crave.
In our reality, could Elon Musk’s neuralink chip be mandated for all eventually?
A cursory search for ‘cortical stack’ on YouTube will yield lots of weird videos of people making imitation replica models complete with 3D printing tips.
The books have a subplot around the diminishing number of Christians who opt for a different coding to their stack, so that when their natural lifespan runs its course, they die and cannot be resurrected. The plot showcases the politics of those lobbying to take away the right of the Christians to be allowed to die – as the police want to be able to forcefully resurrect them for questioning. If someone is murdered, police forensics will retrieve the person’s stack from their corpse, then interview them in a virtual reality construct to solve the case. If the person’s stack is destroyed, this is referred to as ‘real death’. What is interesting, is that the question of a human being able to choose to live a life with no cortical stack implanted is never raised.
Death by means of the natural human lifespan is not the end. For those with the financial resources can extend their life by multiple lifetimes via the rental of other human bodies, which are referred to as ‘sleeves’.
The state has an impound of sleeves of all ages, creeds, colours, and genders. The state provides replacement sleeves (bodies) for people who are murdered, from whatever is available from the rack – like second hand clothing. Cue people being put into the wrong gendered body, because, tough-shit, that’s all that’s available.
The ultra-rich are referred to as ‘Meths’. They have secret storage facilities via outsourced private companies which house perfect clones of themselves. Furthermore, the Meths have access to more expensive and harder to come by technologies such as a remote uploading of their stack to a ‘needlecast’ satellite every few minutes – making them much harder to kill and experience real death.
The books raise lots of existential questions about what it means to be human. The sleeves become increasingly sophisticated and upgraded with built in weaponry, sensors for heightened awareness, speed, strength, agility, and intelligence. The lowest castes of society can only afford to rent ‘synth’ (synthetic) sleeves – an example of a digital brain being implanted within a silicon body, as salivated over by the Canadian think tank Policy Horizons in our real world – referenced earlier in this article by defining biodigital convergence.
In the books, one of the protagonists proclaims her regrets over developing the cortical stack technology – citing that she wanted to be able to explore the stars and that one lifespan was not enough to do it – she eventually fights to end immortality and overthrow the Protectorate – a multi-planetary government that rules through tyrannical force.
This story is set on Mars with the human colonisation efforts still being in their relative infancy. The protagonist is a genetically modified human produced by a military initiative, who has enhanced motor skills and intuition, as well as being proficient in combat. He is hired as a private investigator for politically sensitive cases. He is portrayed as a freakish outsider by the rest of Mars’ population.
The political rivalries between Earth’s governance and Mars shows a feudal system, with backstabbing and corruption over natural resources, rare minerals, and the constant efforts to suppress an uprising from the proletariat class. ‘Mars Tech’ is a product line of human augmentation upgrades which allow the body to withstand harsher climates – in spite of the terraforming that has already been done to make the planet habitable.
An interesting theme throughout the book that affects all the characters, is how they are constantly ‘bitten’ by ‘code-flies’ – small insect like drones which periodically fly around biting Mars’ inhabitants on their neck, in order to upgrade their genetic coding for further optimisation. This is much to the annoyance of the characters who swat the flies away and complain about how often their code needs to be updated.
This cast my mind to Bill Gates and his various pet projects on genetically modifying mosquitoes before letting them loose. Gates also suggested that mosquitoes could be used as ‘flying vaccinators’ to target the anti-vaxxers or the ‘vaccine hesitant’ next time we have a fake pandemic unleashed upon us…
Researchers at Leiden University Medical Center, backed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have developed a new method of delivering malaria vaccines using genetically modified mosquitoes as “flying vaccinators.”
The Blaze reports that in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists have demonstrated the effectiveness of using mosquitoes as “flying syringes” to vaccinate humans against malaria. The research, conducted at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, represents a new and potentially worrying advancement in vaccine technology.
The study involved genetically modifying malaria parasites to stop developing after a certain period of time in the human body. The modified parasites, named GA1 and GA2, were designed to prime the immune system without causing a full-blown malaria infection. Researchers then infected mosquitoes with these engineered parasites and allowed them to bite human test subjects in a controlled setting.
PDF of article:
Researchers Funded By Bill Gates Turn Mosquitoes Into ‘flying Syringes’ To Deliver Vaccines
Hmmm. No thanks Bill. Damn hearse whisperer is popping up everywhere lately.
As for Mars colonisation and Musk’s maniacal merging of man and machine, well…
Billionaire Elon Musk is known for his futuristic ideas and his latest suggestion might just save us from being irrelevant as artificial intelligence (AI) grows more prominent.
The Tesla and SpaceX CEO said on Monday that humans need to merge with machines to become a sort of cyborg.
“Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence,” Musk told an audience at the World Government Summit in Dubai, where he also launched Tesla in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
“It’s mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output.”
Will society split between organic meat suit humans who wish to remain unmodified, and those who are absolutely gagging to get spliced up and augmented?
Will a new slur be invented by the Transhumans to refer to humans, in the same way that the slur ‘cisgender’ is used within the transgenderism movement to refer to heterosexual males?
Will people be sold on the concept of digitising consciousness when the reality could be replicating a person’s likeness based on AI mimicry of personas from video and audio recordings and social media post collations?
How dark will the bio-economy become to treat human biological material as a tradable asset class to be bought, sold, and traded as a speculative market?
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based writer. Follow Creed Speech on Substack. Any support is greatly appreciated.