Now that Gov. Gavin Newsom has made California safe for illegals, abortionists, criminals and the homeless, now that he has solved the homeless problem and reduced the cost of housing across the board, a true utopian existence is within grasp.
The giver of all good things in Sacramento is about to assure that what all Californians eat is safe. Newsom has produced an executive order to make it true.
California is going to “crack down” on ultra-processed foods, and the state is going to hasten its investigation of food dyes.
Newsom’s press release oozes confidence. “Building on the nation-leading nutrition and health standards established in California,” the governor ordered a new menu.
State agencies are instructed to prove negative health effects of synthetic food dyes “and increase access to affordable, healthy foods.” He goes to say “ultra-processed foods” are “a health risk.”
Boldly going where no governor has gone before, Newsom, without equivocation, declares, “The food we eat shouldn’t make is sick with disease or lead to lifelong consequences.” True, we should not eat foods that make us sick, and when we do, most people are smart enough to stop eating.
What the governor will spend to fight fat and restrict food choice will be minuscule compared to the nutrition and the exercise industries. Watching the walkers trudge up Cardiac Hill is exhausting, but dozens of people do it every day.
One thing is clear. The governor wants the state to tell us what to eat. “California,” he declares, “has been a leader for years in creating healthy and delicious school menus, and removing harmful ingredients and chemicals from foods. …” But it is not enough.
Once upon a time, the federal government ordained healthy school menus, and school districts bemoaned the fact the kids promptly tossed the government meals in the waste bins. Gavin Newsom does not mention these previous failures.
He wants ideas on how to reduce people’s choice of sodas, candy and “other-processed foods.”
He wants California’s school-menu regulations to exceed those promoted by the federal government. And, of course, he wants “new standards and partnerships.” Let your imagination define what that means.
Modestly, Newsom’s wife, the designed “first partner,” declares his executive order to be “decisive and transformative.” If would be more entertaining if she gave him hell for disrupting her dinner party plans with his restrictive menu choices.
Justification for this latest look into the future of Newsom’s all-government approach to California living comes from a 2025 “Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee Advisory Report to the federal Secretaries of Health and Human Services and Agriculture,” which declare 70% of us are fat, obese and/or pre-diabetic.
What do these government study people say to the fellow in his 80s who has had four heart attacks, had multiple stents placed, has had five major cancer surgeries on distinctly different cancers, has consumed only a heart healthy diet of fresh foods for decades, drinks no liquor and weighs less than he did in high school. Is this fellow going to respond to the threat that if he does not change his ways, he will die?!
In fact, science reveals Gov. Gavin is cherry-picking gastric discipline. In some cases, it is all in the genes, “Doctor” Newsom. If your DNA is absent MSH2, your chances of colon cancer risk shift from 4% to as much as 52%.
In his list of legislation limiting what Californians eat, we find this puzzling item: The legislature has passed a bill requiring all colleges – community, state and university – to seek to have at least one on-campus store that accepts SNAP/EBT cards. At least we know seniors in the Class of ’25 will be able to put what they eat on the public credit card, preparing them for their careers at the fast-food restaurant of their choice where the mandatory minimum wage is more than twice the median Social Security check paid to America’s “Greatest Generation.”