MSM follows the “farmers are hoarding the land” playbook from the Soviet Union era designating farmers as ‘Kulaks’. A “man on the street” interviewer mingles amongst protestors as farmers fight back..
The saying “life is stranger than fiction” becomes even stranger when history repeats itself in real-time before our eyes. As I read through the second volume of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago series, I am horrified to see the parallels from the UK’s legacy media government mouthpiece ‘journalists’ echoing insane, archaic propaganda in the guise of farmers are hoarding the land and it needs to be appropriated by the state.
Via Brave AI search:
The term “kulak” in Soviet history referred to wealthy or prosperous peasants who owned substantial amounts of land and employed hired labor. During the Soviet era, particularly in the 1929-1932 period, the Soviet government initiated a campaign called “dekulakization,” which targeted these kulaks as class enemies. This campaign involved arrests, deportations, or executions of millions of kulaks and their families, with the stated purpose of fighting counter-revolution and building socialism in the countryside. More than 1.8 million peasants were deported in 1930-1931 as part of this policy, which was carried out simultaneously with the collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union.
In the early Soviet Union, kulaks were considered hesitant allies of the Bolshevik Revolution but later became targets of state repression. The term “kulak” was also used in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, where it described property owners among the petite bourgeoisie. In Ukraine during 1930-1931, there was an additional term, “podkulachnik,” which referred to almost wealthy peasants.
As an introduction to the UK’s (engineered and orchestrated) agricultural woes, with an all out assault on farmers’ livelihoods, let us examine a shameful piece authored by Will Hutton of the Guardian:
Hutton sets the stage by painting farmers as asset rich, benefiting from the UK’s inheritance tax exemption law for farmland, which the government has in its tyrannical crosshairs:
Half a million people die every year. Under the reforms to inheritance tax relief on agricultural land proposed in the budget, about 500 individuals who inherit land worth more than £2m (£3m if they were married to the deceased) will join the rest of society and have inheritance tax levied on their bequest – albeit at half the rate, with an enlarged exemption and 10 years to pay it, concessions not made to the rest of us. How fortunate and privileged are they?
Although UK farmers may be ‘asset rich’, after bureaucratic inflicted overheads, they are cash poor. As illustrated by this Sky News segment, which also shows the disparity in the wealthy exploiting the exemption tax rule to pass on their generational wealth tax free, versus the real farmers who will suffer greatly if the inheritance tax exemption is scrapped:
Hutton goes on to plea for younger would-be-farmers being priced out of land ownership, even invoking the word ‘hoarding’ to demonise farmers’ land holdings:
There is no acknowledgment of the potential wider benefits that go beyond the non-trivial contribution the tax will make to relieving the crisis in public services. The hoarding of land that has gone on since the bung was introduced by Margaret Thatcher in 1984, which has so steadily driven up land prices and farmers’ rents, will at last be checked as some of the larger estates are obliged to sell parcels of land to pay inheritance tax, as they did before 1984 without the world falling in, rather than be enabled to own it in perpetuity. Young farmers, now increasingly crowded out of the market, will get a chance to buy land: there is the prospect of a levelling off, even a fall, in farm rents. New life and ideas will be brought to the rural economy as innovative, energetic farmers enter the market – and production even increases.
The British government’s inheritance tax reforms aren’t about class warfare or filling the “black hole” in the country’s budget, they are about taking vital land off small and medium-sized family farms and handing it to mega-corporations.
It’s yet another piece of the Great Reset agenda, specifically the war on food.
A quick course for non-Brits who don’t know how our country works (and, indeed, the substantial number of Brits who have recently demonstrated they don’t know how their own country works):
Since 1984 working farms have been 100% exempt from paying inheritance tax under the “agricultural property relief” (APR) system.
The justification for this was that working farms are needed to produce the food we all eat, and since British farming families are generally asset-rich but cash-poor, charging inheritance tax on farmland might negatively impact farm output.
Eluding to Hutton’s piece in the Guardian and his throwaway line about farmers “hoarding the land”, Knightly responded:
Hard to see this as anything but an admission of the real policy here.
And then we have former Blair aide John McTernan landing himself in hot water when he told an interviewer Starmer’s government should “do to farmers what Thatcher did to miners”, claiming “farming is an industry we can do without”. Labour officials were quick to disavow the comments, but you can’t help but think it was a “quiet part loud” moment.
As usual, it is the journalists and twitterati carrying the bag for tyranny, making bitter, snarky social media posts about “millionaire farmers” or rambling on about farmers deserving to lose their business because they voted for Brexit.
In 2023 the EU “reformed” its Common Agricultural Policy to award subsidies based on sustainability rather than productivity, at the same time they are securing trade deals with South America to import food rather than grow their own (French farmers are protesting this). Denmark is going “rewild” 15% of its farmable land to “lower fertiliser usage”. Like the UK, the US has both federal and state programs that pay farmers not to farm.
It goes on and on. It’s a simple system:
Make small or medium-sized farms financially non-viable
Force families to sell their land.
Have Mega-Corps buy it up
In short, the endgame is total corporate control over the land and the food supply. The inheritance tax changes are just the UK government adding more pressure on farmers to accelerate this process.
Once that goal is achieved they take the narrative anywhere they want it to go. They can engineer food shortages and price increases, then they can say those shortages show “how badly we need food reform” and start instituting climate-friendly rationing and meat bans and forcing people to eat bugs and lab-grown goo.
PDF of article:
Explained How Uk Inheritance Tax Is Part Of The War On Food – Offguardian
Farmers Fight Back: The Battle for Britain’s Green and Pleasant Land
Video description:
On November 19th, farmers from across the UK marched through central London, uniting in protest against policies threatening the very fabric of Britain’s countryside. From devastating inheritance taxes to land grabs that prioritize urban sprawl over agriculture, the backbone of our nation—its farmers—is under siege. In this video, I delve into the heart of the protest, speaking to those whose livelihoods are at stake and uncovering the deeper implications of these policies. What does it mean for Britain’s green and pleasant land? How does it affect the quality of the food we eat, the heritage of our rural communities, and the future of farming itself? Join me as we navigate the streets of Westminster, listening to the voices of those on the front lines of this battle to preserve our countryside, our traditions, and the legacy of farming in the UK. This is more than a protest—it’s a fight for Britain’s soul and its Heritage. Does the Government even care?
I love these man on the street type videos, because they reveal the true zeitgeist of the hour; the unfiltered emotion and sentiments of the people, which are otherwise brutally repressed by the censorship industrial complex organs. *The video only has 5,136 views on YT at the time of writing this. Below are notable quotes and interactions from the video.
“If these tax reforms go through we’d have to sell half our farm to pay the tax.”
“We should value what our farmers do both in terms of producing food and keeping our Countryside beautiful.”
“The British Countryside is more than just a patchwork of Rolling Hills and quaint villages it is the very soul of what is Great Britain it’s the lifeblood of our nation. A symbol of resilience tradition and pride for centuries our Farmers have been the backbone of these islands producing some of the finest food in the world all while preserving the beauty and character of this green and pleasant land.
But make no mistake the British farmer has been let down time and time again Decades of neglect suffocating red tape and cheap Foreign imports have already pushed many to the brink and now the latest inheritance tax reforms sneakily slipped into the last Labor government could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.”
“Make no mistake this isn’t just a tax grab this is a land grab blatant attempt to strip families of their generational Farms bulldozing Heritage and history to make way for said developers this is not just an attack on property it’s an assault on our identity on our culture and on the rural communities that hold this country together.”
“Here Stalin’s corrupt commie government we’re mirroring what the Bolsheviks did in 1917 – it took from 1917 to 1928 for the corrupt Bolsheviks to seize the land from good hardworking Russian farmers, and we know what happened after that.
Famine Holodomor between 1932 and 1933 millions of Ukrainians starved because of the mismanagement of the Farms because Communists thought they knew best. This is what’s going on, this is Bolshevism played in the long game – every time a farmer dies they will take 20% of their wealth well. If your wealth is tied up in land that land or Machinery that’s an asset you’re going to have to sell – who’s going to take that? It’s going to be the Blackrocks, it’s going to be the Bill Gates, it’s not a fair situation.
Inheritance tax – if you were to ask the people of this country or the people of the world I reckon 80% of them would say it’s theft. Communists on the other hand – and they’re a small minority thankfully – but they are in charge of this government.”
“We’re not actually Farmers but we can see that this is the first stage and eventually, uh Farmers won’t be able to grow food in this country and it’ll all be just big corporations – two or three of them it’ll be just selling our food, and next it’ll be coming down to us people like small holders that are small Growers.
Um that’s really one of the reasons why we’re here today.”
“Just to explain to my viewers – because I’ve got an international audience, what is a small holder?”
“We uh basically we just grow our food for ourselves and um all food for ourselves we have chickens, we got sheep and we grow all our own vegetables fruit and vegetables.”
“So in a way you’ve actually been slightly impacted by the fact that you got to tell the government how many chickens you have is that correct?”
“This is another thing that worries us now, I mean, you know any chickens now you have to register um it’s crazy it’s crazy.”
Is it just chicken or all poultry?”
“Uh it’s all…I don’t actually know because we don’t have any other poultry other than chickens but I know for us it’s just it’s chickens so it does seem like overreach, government overreach, it’s it’s a form of um I can’t think the wording…where sorry um yeah it’s just a form of control you know um to actually register every chicken it’s a it’s form of control to us.”
“I’m the fourth generation and I’m on another Farm which I’m on third generation so yeah we on fourth generation Farms so you can explain to the urbanites that are very not in touch with the countryside.”
“They don’t understand that Farms actually operate on Tiny margins often under 1% and Farmers don’t have half a million quid or a million quid sat in the bank to pay a random tax bill when it comes through the letter box. The only way they can pay that bill is by selling land and if you sell land that challenges the whole viability of most Farms, or they have to borrow the money and you know, like a farmer said to me in my constituency last Thursday, they’ve worked out that they would taken 35 years to pay back.”
Is Mr. Gates involved in this Land Grab or is it just Ideology?
“Gates met with Keir Starmer in the week preceding the budget, do you think that has any influence on the measures they’ve taken to basically seize the land from the farming Community?”
“What I’m concerned about is that if Family Farms are having to sell their land the people who are going to be able to afford that are going to be rich developers and investors and the last thing we want to see is prime British uh food producing land taken over by housing developments in inappropriate areas but also solar industrial solar plants we we’ve got more than enough agricultural uh uh buildings up and down the country Railway sheds that where we can put solar plants so we’ve got to make sure that our Prime food producing land is protected this policy is going to be catastrophic We’ve Got to Get It reversed.”
“I get that you just dodged the question in regards to – are you aware of Bill Gates having the meeting with Keir Starmer?”
“I’m not aware of of any meeting with Bill Gates, he has done fantastic work around the world in termsof of um in trying to to improve uh the developing World in terms of Public Health and infectious diseases. I’m not aware of any meeting but all I’m saying is that we need to make sure that this labor government reverses this policy now to save British farming.”
It is interesting how people can have their heart in the right place to stand with the farmers who are being demonised, yet still be true believers in the scamdemic narrative and even defend Bill Gates, as per the last quote referenced above.
How long until we reach a critical mass, whereby enough people really see the nexus convergence of the attack on the food supply being intrinsically linked to the weaponisation of fake pandemics, which have governmental authorities attempting to forcibly cull farmers’ livestock and poultry, in the name of public health?
The whole animals are dirty, diseased, and dangerous narrative, is precisely how and why so many (well-meaning?) people continue to make concessions because of trusting the science. When in reality, ‘pandemics’ are merely another instrument of destruction in the globalist toolbox to have farmers kill off their own animals, just as humans have been convinced to kill themselves with the C19 injections and other vaccines.
The interviewer does a great job steering the conversation towards the real issues, and it is surprising that the YT moderators have allowed the video to stay uploaded to the site. Power to The Wondering Englishman.