Even before the inauguration, Donald Trump is leading. While Joe Biden is playing his demonically inspired political games trying to throw stumbling blocks in front of the Trump administration and future policies, our new president is showing us some big ideas – like buying Greenland, making Canada the 51st state, reclaiming the Panama Canal and changing the name of the “Gulf of Mexico” to the “Gulf of America.”
You may not agree with Trump, but the contrast between a big idea and petty politics is amazing to watch. While Trump is coming out with big ideas, Democrats are busy letting criminals out of prison, selling off the border wall parts, driving up energy cost by prohibiting the sale of gas water heaters, and the list goes on. It should be noted that these Democrat policies don’t just hurt Trump, they don’t just hurt Republicans, but they hurt all Americans. Perhaps another big idea should be, “Do we need to replace the Democratic Party with something else, like the Constitution Party?” Imagine that … a party interested in the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Bible.
Some might wonder, “Why bring up such ideas as buying Greenland or reclaiming the Panama Canal?” It is because Trump is leading. He is communicating to world leaders that America is back on the world stage and will not doing any more apology tours, as President Obama did in his effort to dismantle America’s global standing, even apologizing for World War II.
Why would we want Greenland? In 2019 Trump stated that it is like “a large real estate deal.” In 2024 he stated, “We need Greenland for national security purposes.” Already Greenland is home to the Pituffik Space Base as part of Washington’s early missile warning system as well as offering space surveillance and satellite command. Greenland also had Camp Century, a nuclear-powered research center built by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and operated from 1959 to 1966 during the Cold War. Trump says that Greenland is costing Denmark almost $700 million a year, so it would be to the Danes’ advantage to remove this burden. Also, with Greenland as a U.S. territory, it would be better protected from ships belonging to countries hostile to Western society.
Why would we want to reclaim the Panama Canal? The U.S. built the canal in the early 20th century. It later was turned over to Panama under a treaty approved by both countries. China now has a lot of influence over the canal, and a Hong Kong-based company controls both ends. Trump says the shipping fees are “ridiculous” and need to be lowered. Otherwise, the U.S. might have to reclaim it.
Why would Trump suggest Canada be annexed to become the 51st state? Trump stated, “Canada and the United States, that would really be something. You get rid of that artificially drawn line and you take a look at what it looks like, and it would be much better for national security.” Douglas Ford Jr., premier of Ontario, said “China is the problem.” He stated, “China is shipping cheap parts into Mexico, and then Mexico’s slapping a ‘made in Mexico’ sticker on, shipping it up through the U.S. and Canada, costing American and Canadian jobs.” Ford continued, “… if we join together and take on the world with a great trade deal between us, I think that’d be fabulous. No one could stop us.”
What is Trump communicating concerning changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America? It seems he is trying to communicate with the president of Mexico, that her allegiances should be more with the Western world and the continent she lives on, than with Asian powers, like China. I think Trump rattled her cage, since she responded with a map showing America labeled as “Mexican America.”
Trump is letting the world know that America is back and on its way to greatness again.
Once again, I was inspired to song:
Make America Great Again
by the Blakley Family Circuit Riders
Make America Great Again, From sea to shining sea.
Pledge allegiance to the flag, You pray to God on bended knee.
Make America Great Again for all the world to see.
Make America Great Again for my fam-i-ly.
1) In seven-teen se-ven-ty-six, Our Founding Fathers fought.
God’s given rights for men Were the things they sought.
Life, liberty and happiness Was declared that day.
Against impossible odds God blessed the USA. CHORUS
2) Through a blood-soaked Civil War America fought for life,
Our country was split in half, As if cut with a knife.
Republicans sought to give rights equally to all men,
They were seeking to unify to make America great again. CHORUS
3) In World War One and Two, Oppression swept the land.
Veterans had to fight against the Nazi socialists’ plan.
Freedom won the victory, And liberty sang that day.
All the world rejoiced at peace, And God blessed the USA.
Make America Great Again, From sea to shining sea.
Pledge allegiance to the flag You pray to God on bended knee.
Make America Great Again, Let’s begin today.
Make America Great Again, God bless the USA.
4) In other wars across the world, Americans had to fight.
Our flag it proudly flew, Our soldiers kept it in sight.
Knowing that with trust in God, For His will for every day,
That God would intervene, And God would bless the USA.
Make America Great Again, From sea to shining sea.
Pledge allegiance to the flag You pray to God on bended knee.
Make America Great Again, Join with me and say,
Make America Great Again, and God bless the U.S.A.