According to economics professor Jeffrey Sachs, of Columbia University, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is a warmonger who has been attempting to engulf and entrap the United States in Israel’s defensive wars against Hamas and Hezbollah, two designated terrorist organizations whose raison d’ etre is the annihilation of Israel. Furthermore, Sachs’ accusation of an Israeli lobby controlling Washington politics is gaining ground among the pseudo-intellectuals on the left, the Neo-Nazis on the right and young impressionable college students indoctrinated on Ivy League campuses throughout the country. It should come as no surprise that such unfounded charges come from a Colombia professor; the school is a hot bed of anti-Semitism and the beneficiary of millions in Islamic oil money.
The Covenant of Hamas, known as the Hamas Charter and written in 1988, specifically calls for the annihilation of Israel in its preamble:
“Israel will continue to exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
On the issue of peace initiatives, the charter states:
“Peace initiatives, so called peaceful solutions, and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam. There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.” (Article 13)
And in alignment with Hamas, Iran, the state sponsor of global terrorism (we lost 241 Marines, soldiers and sailors in the 1983 Beirut bombing by Hezbollah) and the financier of Hezbollah, has stated its primary mission is to establish a Judenrein Middle East as they chant “Death to Israel.” Additionally, not only do the Iranians seek to eradicate the Jewish state, but they have also openly chanted “Death to America.” Given the Islamic quest in the region, let alone the Islamic quest for a global Islamic Caliphate as outlined in Quranic doctrine, along with their many foot soldiers (The Muslim Brotherhood) donning suits instead of uniforms stationed throughout the West in various agencies at the local, state and federal level, Sachs’ accusations against Israel, Bibi and AIPEC (Israel’s lobby) is an exercise in viewing the war against the Jewish state through his narrow shortsighted lens instead of focusing on the broader goal of Islamic Supremacy.
Now who is Jeffrey Sachs, you may ask. Not only is he an esteemed Columbia and Harvard professor, born into a Jewish Detroit family in 1954, but additionally, he currently serves as an adviser to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the U.N.’s agenda for “sustainable development.” Sachs’ associations with George Soros and Bill Gates in promoting sustainable development (code word for “climate change”) should be suspect. Both men are oligarchs who have used their billions to buy elected officials, control organization and interfere in our body politics without having been elected.
The U.N. is a demonstrably corrupt body controlled and funded by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and in conjunction with the World Economic Forum seeks the demise of nation states to be supplanted by a Totalitarian One World Order under U.N. auspices. Their modus operandi is the use of fear under the guise of climate change. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (a 57-member body) and the CCP have forged an alliance hostile to democracy and Western civilization. In their mission for global hegemony, they view the free democratic state of Israel and its Judeo/Christian underpinnings of Western civilization as a small obstacle to be eradicated from the region.
It is not unreasonable to conclude that Jeffrey Sachs is now the front man serving to sway American public opinion away for support of Israel, and he is doing so at the bequest of his masters, the anti-American and anti-Israel U.N., George Soros and Bill Gates.
Israel has in its 76th year of rebirth faced a non-stop war of aggression. Throughout these years not one American was asked to serve in its defense. All that’s been asked is for is the means necessary for Israelis to defend themselves. It was only 80 years ago when 6 million Jews were murdered for their religious beliefs. Had there been a Jewish homeland then, they would have lived. Sachs and his ilk are asking you today to condemn another 6 million to their deaths by withholding financial and political support to the only Jewish country, outnumbered and fighting for its survival on all fronts. In what realm is that morally justifiable?
Just as the advancement of Islam had to be stopped at the Gates of Vienna in 1863, today it too must be stopped and eradicated from the West. Israel is fighting a war for Western civilization. It is the canary in the coal mine. Should they lose, it will not end Islamists’ expansionist ambitions. It will be the beginning of a war upon Christianity here at home. We are already seeing this in Great Britain, Ireland, Germany and Italy.
“First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people” is more than just a slogan. History has shown us who they are. Believe them!