A poor economy has a trickle-down effect. There is one group in particular we would probably never think about being negatively impacted in such an economy, but it is occurring at a level never before seen. It provides us with a stark indicator of what is occurring in the country.
Identifying indicators capable of revealing what is transpiring or may transpire in a country is important.
For example, the failure of Israel to pick up on factors beforehand that the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas raid into their country was being planned proved disastrous. Interestingly, Israeli intelligence analysts have long undertaken this task of identifying such telltale indicators to predict a future attack. Prior to the Oct. 7 raid, they had a good track record in doing so, even if an indicator was something the layman might ignore as inconsequential.
For example, years ago Israeli intelligence noticed that the terrorist leaders of Hamas were relocating wives and lovers outside of Gaza. Was this a real consequential indicator of imminent enemy aggression or just an inconsequential observation? The indicator was definitely considered – along with other indicators – that enabled Israel to predict an attack may well be in the works.
In determining a poor economy, obviously there are some indicators, such as high inflation. Last September’s Consumer Price Index report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated inflation was higher than was expected.
The CEO of Job Creators Network, Alfredo Ortiz, responded to the report, stating, “Under the Biden-Harris administration, inflation increased by a total of 21%,” meaning the value of the dollar has declined by one-fifth. Prior to the 2024 presidential election, he noted that negative indicator had consequences: “This alone means Kamala Harris does not deserve a promotion to the Oval Office. She cast the tie-breaking vote in $3 trillion of unnecessary deficit spending that bid up prices and diluted the currency. Pro-growth conservatives who believe in a sound dollar, economic growth, and deficit reduction are urgently needed in Congress and the White House to make America affordable again.”
Just as the Israelis determined inconsequential indicators may well be more consequential than initially thought, revealing future terrorist activity, such indicators of a failing economy have been discovered in the U.S. One, sadly, has manifested itself on a national level today and at a rate never before seen in America. It is the fact our pet shelters are filled beyond capacity as families, unable to spend the extra money needed to feed their pets, have been left with no choice but to surrender them.
This indicator has existed for the entire period of President Biden’s administration, impacting upon pet owners making less than $75,000 annually. Some of these pets have been turned over to shelters while many more have been captured after being abandoned. The overpopulation of shelters is accompanied by an all-time low in the rate of adoptions, maxing out those facilities.
While Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been gaslighting voters that Bidenomics is working, the facts show otherwise. As one critic notes, “By just about any metric, people are worse off today than they were when Mr. Biden took office. Survey after survey shows voters voicing their dissatisfaction, but the Biden administration remains defiant.”
In 1992, as Bill Clinton ran for the presidency, ultimately defeating President George H.W. Bush, Democratic Party adviser James Carville uttered the immortal words that, when it comes to elections, “It’s the economy, Stupid!” His advice was good then and obviously proven still to be valid today based on the results of the 2024 presidential election.
Based on the landslide defeat Harris suffered, she probably still wonders – like the 1998 popular hit bearing the same name – “who let the dogs out” to vote?