Wait for it. The California political left will soon release its scientific analysis of the Los Angeles fires, something like: “These homes should never have been built there.”
Gov. Gavin Newsom currently is tossing hundreds of millions of dollars at the public relations nightmare to deflect, deflect, deflect. In the end, he will name a “high level” commission of political cronies to reinforce the climate change mantra that Pacific Palisades and Malibu should become habitat that excludes humans.
The likely commission report, or bureaucrat verdict, will include our rulers purchasing empty lots to prevent rebuilding, and perhaps even condemning homes not destroyed by fire. Sounds a bit dictatorial, doesn’t it? Well, yes it does, but the state has been hard at work gathering the necessary law and power to do what it wants, when it wants and how it wants. And Gavin Newsom is entirely predictable.
A real estate expert who concentrates on sale of these multi-million homes predicts 70% of the those displaced by the fires will not return. They will take their insurance payout and join the growing middle-class stampede out of Gov. Newsom’s dreamland.
Rebuilding will mean a serious downsizing for many. State and local government have erected a labyrinth of bureaucratic roadblocks to housing construction. The shortage of housing has driven up prices. The flood of illegals into the California sanctuary has consumed all the available “low cost” housing.
Tragically, many people who lost their view of the Pacific spent time reading the real estate market news and counting their equity growth, but did not plow back any money into insurance for reconstruction. Banks insure their own investment, not the homeowner’s investment, and certainly do not adjust for inflation.
At some future date, Newsom will pontificate something like this: “Let me be clear. The construction of mansions is an affront to the DEI society of the future. We must learn to live in equity with each other and to jettison the meritocracy that has fostered such inequities.”
Newsom has been suing cities near the burn areas when their local zoning does not allow the state to construct future slums for the homeless. It is one of his long-standing priorities. A simpleton would argue if you give a homeless person a home, he will no longer be homeless. That person will continue to do what he or she did before to achieve homelessness, and experience tells us as soon as the state housing for homeless is trashed, the homeless person will be back on the street.
No one should be surprised if the state does a real estate deal to built apartments for the homeless along some of that coastline. Call them “equity homes” for the equity peoples of the People’s Left Coast Republic of California.
Newsom’s track record shows he believes housing is too important to be left of up individuals or developers. He knows better.
These fires provide an opportunity for the state to seize control of local municipal master plans, regulate zoning and issue construction permits.
And then who is going to issue the insurance policies if homes are to be rebuilt? Three major home insurance firms have quit California already.
As the fires still burn in Los Angeles County, the world’s largest battery storage facility, located in Moss Landing, Monterey County, caught fire, and at least 40% of its storage capacity, upon which California depends, was lost.
It has been a bad month so far for the climate crisis devotees.