Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

(continued from Pt. IPt. IIPt. IIIPt. IVPt. V)

Latest bird flu casualty poster-child: a kid ‘with red eyes’ who didn’t even get seriously ill and never went to the hospital

Via CNN (emphasis added):

A child in San Francisco who had red eyes and a fever had a probable case of H5N1 bird flu, according to the city’s Department of Public Health.

The case was caught by routine surveillance. When the child developed symptoms, they were checked for RSV, Covid-19 and the flu, and they tested positive for influenza A…

The child did not need to be hospitalized, and they have recovered from their illness. Disease detectives don’t know how the child was exposed to the virus. They say there’s no evidence that the infection spread to anyone else, and the risk to the general public remains low…

Symptoms of bird flu in humans may include red, inflamed eyes, fatigue, fever and headaches.”

“Something like the common flu then, right?” to quote the legendary black gentleman whom Fauci tried to incorporate into his PBS propaganda production aimed at getting the blacks onto the vaxx plantation.

CDC now insisting on universal bird flu testing of hospital patients

Bird flu mRNA shots for every man, woman, child, and unborn fetus aren’t going to justify themselves.

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

-H.L. Mencken

The Public Health™ technocrats need to scare up some more positives to get things moving, and what better way than sourcing them from patients already in the hospital, unlikely to protest?

Related: HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions

You might recall the federal edict issued by the Brandon entity back in September 2021 for universal COVID testing for all workers at companies with more than 100 employees, accompanied by the barely-concealed threat that “our patience if wearing thin” (with the unvaxxed).

Via NBC News, September 10, 2021 (emphasis added):

“”We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” Biden said, making a direct appeal to the 80 million people who he said were still unvaccinated. “Your refusal has cost all of us.”

Biden also announced that he asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency rule requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any unvaccinated workers to produce a negative Covid test at least once a week. The requirement could carry a $14,000 fine per violation and would affect two-thirds of the country’s workforce, a senior administration official said.”

In the same vein, the CDC has “recommended” (which effectively means “mandated” if these hospitals want to keep their Medicaid bucks flowing) universal bird flu testing for patients who test positive for the general flu (influenza A).

Related: BREAKING: HHS Cuts Federal Funding to EcoHealth Alliance, ‘Nonprofit’ That Bankrolled Wuhan Lab

Via CNN (emphasis added):

The CDC is calling on doctors and hospitals to perform subtyping on all hospitalized patients who test positive for influenza A, ideally within 24 hours of admission.

“It’s the subtyping that takes us from knowing that a virus is in the general bucket of ‘influenza A’ to knowing more specifically whether it’s a garden-variety seasonal version of influenza A or, more rarely, a novel version of influenza A like H5N1,” CDC Principal Deputy Director Dr. Nirav Shah said.

Although there is no human-to-human transmission of bird flu in the US and the risk to the general public remains low, there’s a lot of H5N1 virus circulating in animals, as well as usual seasonal flu activity picking up in people, so Shah said it was important to switch to a system that identified potential bird flu cases more quickly.”

As CNN goes on to explain, there’s a lot of cash money on the line from investors who have dumped billions in the aggregate into mRNA tech and won’t see it squandered on non-pandemics. If bird flu PCR terror is what they need to ramp up demand for their junk, bird flu PCR terror is what they’re going to get.

Related: UK Mandates Backyard Chicken Registration To Fight Bird Flu


The US Department of Health and Human Services released a playbook this week “that future administrations can use to continue to protect the nation” that it provided the incoming administration, along with summaries of its investments.

One of the newest investments, announced Thursday, was $211 million to support the development and long-term manufacturing capability of an RNA-based vaccine platform technology to combat evolving 21st century biothreats, including bird flu.

Dr. Eric Deeble, who is leading the bird flu response at the US Department of Agriculture, said there are about 300 people dedicated to the response “across the agency.””

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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