The Breakfast Club host Charlamagne grilled the super-sized rapper Dank Demoss on an episode of the popular syndicated radio show. Demoss, real named Dajua Blanding, recently went viral for an incident that took place when she ordered a Lyft. The vehicle showed up sounding like it was having mechanical problems. The driver told Blanding that he would not be able to accommodate her due to her size. She is about 5’3″ and nearly 500 pounds. The obvious issue is that she is abnormally big, which is totally under her control, and not an issue of discrimination. Despite these facts, Demoss is attempted to sue Lyft for weight discrimination. Charlamange, and the rest of the Breakfast Club cast, grilled her on her current situation with weight and also her choices in fashion.

The post Charlamagne Grills Rapper Dank Demoss Over Her Size appeared first on Anthony Brian Logan.