There are times when self-reflection becomes a necessity.

We Americans became that which we seceded from.

Recall that one of the complaints in the Declaration of Independence against King George III was: “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harras our people, and eat out their substance.”

Bureaucracy! We broke free of bureaucracy and ended up creating our own. Our own grew to be much greater than anything King George III could have dreamed of. New offices … New Deals … Great Societies … and millions of bureaucrats that “have eaten out our substance.”

As DOGE uncovers one layer of fraud after another, we can see why our nation’s government is speeding into bankruptcy.

Going broke tends to sharpen the senses, whether it be an individual or a government. We’re seeing swift movement and swift results. But there is one caveat to the good news of DOGE: Bureaucracy is an effect. It’s not a cause. Bureaucracy is a result of ignoring the U.S. Constitution.

Once again, some self-reflection is necessary. A vast majority of what the federal government does is unconstitutional. It violates “the law of the land.” Our politicians pander and demagogue to get votes. They promise voters unconstitutional things.

Voters don’t seem to care. If they believe they’re getting something for nothing, they’ll vote for it. It’s a base part of our human nature that only a small percentage of people are able to resist. We all like FREE stuff. In order for the politician to deliver the unconstitutional stuff to voters, new offices are created and new people are hired to do the things that shouldn’t be done in the first place.

So while DOGE is giving bureaucracy a haircut, there’s a problem — hair grows back! Are politicians going to stop making up “rights,” and promising “freebies”? Will voters continue to vote for them? If so, this means we’re going to get more bureaucracy, no matter what DOGE does.

This is a conundrum. Congress is not filled with Ron Pauls who vote against everything that is unconstitutional. Quite the opposite. So what can be done? Is there something that can hamstring the politicians? The answer is yes — sound money!

Politicians are able to promise unconstitutional stuff to garner votes because the Federal Reserve will counterfeit new dollars to pay for it. Without a counterfeiter, the politician is hogtied. Hogtied politicians can’t promise whatever they want for votes anymore. From 1913 to this very day, we’ve been living with the philosophy of “The Fed will just print the money.” The Fed (which itself is unconstitutional) has financed the monster that DOGE is trying to slay. The counterfeiting must end, or bureaucracy will continue to be America’s ball & chain.