A Gastonia, North Carolina 16-year-old male broke down in court after being charged as an adult in a now-viral video. The male suspect is accused of shooting two other teenagers, one fatally, within a few minutes of one another in one night. Both shootings appear to be robberies. The second shooting victim, who died, was a 16-year-old male… the same as the shooter. The victim was carrying his grandmother’s medication that he had gone to the store to get for her, which the shooter robbed him of.

A new law in North Carolina allows 16 and 17-year-olds to be charged as adults in certain crimes. Obviously, two shootings with one death while committing a robbery with an illegal weapon most certainly qualify a 16-year-old male to be charged as an adult. This law is new in North Carolina but it is not unique to other parts of the country. The Commonwealth of Virginia allows people to be charged as an adult at age 14, and that law has been on the books for a very long time.


Family of slain 16-year-old speaks out after police arrest teen suspect

Teen charged with Gastonia murder denied bond at first hearing; case using new NC law

The post Teenager Breaks Down In Court After Being Charged An Adult In Viral Video appeared first on Anthony Brian Logan.