A new study published in the Oxford Academic Journal of Sexual Medicine has confirmed the worst for subscribers to the transgender ideology, that men can become women and vice versa through the use of chemicals and surgical mutilations.
It states that the results “demonstrated that those undergoing surgery were at significantly higher risk for depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and substance use disorders than those without surgery.”
It added, “Males with surgery showed a higher prevalence of depression … and anxiety. Females exhibited similar trends, with elevated depression … and anxiety. Feminizing individuals demonstrated particularly high risk for depression … and substance use disorders.”
The results of the study have been explained in a report at RedState.
It explains that even though medical “professionals” who threaten parents that their child, if not given mutilating sex-change surgeries, will lead to suicide, the opposite is true.
“The results of the national database study, published on February 25, revealed that ‘transgender individuals face heightened psychological distress, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, partly due to stigma and lack of gender affirmation,’” the report said.
Analyzed were U.S. patients with gender dysphoria from June 2014 to June 2024.
“Mental health outcomes included depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, substance use disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder, assessed over two years post-surgery using clinician-verified ICD-10 codes,” the report explained the study confirmed. “Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) was analyzed separately and not conflated with gender dysphoria cohorts to ensure the distinction between these conditions.”
Some 107,000 patients’ cases were reviewed.
Explained RedState, “Unconscionably, the study’s conclusion didn’t recommend against ‘gender-affirming’ surgery, but rather, simply suggested mental-health therapy to attempt to ward off post-surgery mental health issues.”