Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
Christening the ‘phallus-free environment’
“The only winning move is not to play,” the anthropomorphic computer from the 1983 film WarGames advised.
It was talking about nuclear war, of course — a reference to “mutually assured destruction,” or MAD — but the same received wisdom applies to modern culture war with the trannies.
Related: ‘Trans Buddies’ Assigned to Monitor Doctors for Transphobia
As the owner of a women’s spa, you can accommodate the trannies until the cows come home, but it’s never going to be good enough until you’re literally forcing your female patrons to deepthroat the trannies’ lady-dicks in the sauna — at gunpoint if need be.
For Equity.
The melodrama started last month in the worldwide tranny capital and Heart of Darkness, San Francisco.
Via Archimedes Banya, archived February 2, 2025 (emphasis added)
“** Archimedes Banya designated one day a month as Ladies/Women’s Day to shelter religious preferences of women in our community. To further accommodate their religious beliefs we have to limit admission on Women’s Day to BIOLOGICAL WOMEN ONLY.
*** Archimedes Banya designated one day a month as Men’s Day to shelter religious preferences of men in our community. To further accommodate their religious beliefs we have to limit admission on Men’s Day to BIOLOGICAL MEN ONLY.
All are Welcome during our normal business hours.”
Related: ‘Transgender Woman’ Roxanne Tickle Sues Women-Only App for ‘Discrimination’
Later, after the spa’s genocidal anti-tranny discrimination became public knowledge and its leadership met with predictably intense backlash, management issued a March 3rd press release to try to calm the tension, declaring separate but equal, as it were, “women’s” nights by class (emphasis added):
“To honor both our commitment to inclusivity and the needs of religious and cultural communities who require gender-segregated spaces, we are introducing two distinct women’s nights:
Inclusive Women’s Night: Open to all individuals who identify as women, regardless of sex assigned at birth or gender expression. This night is designed to be a welcoming and affirming space for all women in our community.
Cultural & Religious Women’s Night: Designed to provide a space that aligns with the needs of women from religious or cultural backgrounds who observe practices requiring a female-only environment based on sex assigned at birth.”
So, the TERF frontholes get one night and the trannies with the phalluses get the other all to themselves.
The fronthole carve-out was necessary, the spa’s manager explained, because legacy women require “a phallus-free environment” in order to feel comfortable.
Via The San Francisco Standard (emphasis added):
“In an email to The Standard, general manager Abhishek Vaidya said the latter came out of a desire to respect the religious and cultural beliefs of women who need “a phallus-free environment.”
“We need to help religious women and tried to navigate an important conversation about inclusivity, safety, and respect,” he wrote. “We recognize that our words did not fully reflect our values, and for that, we are truly sorry.””
Was all of this groveling and compromise sufficient to smooth things over with the liberal and loving progressives?
Not by a damn sight.
Even after the accommodations were granted, a gaggle of attention-thirsty activists ran a riot in front of the business for the locals news cameras — led by a tranny from Alabama calling itself “Breath Mormorer.”
If the spa had consulted me, I could have told them the pandering was doomed to fail from the outset of negotiations.
The reason the separate but equal thing — one special night for the special trannies and another for non-phallused gyno-individuals — was never going to satisfy them is that the point isn’t Equity; the objective of the trannies’ cultural warfare is gaining a social license to shove their cocks down women’s throats while forcing them to publicly “affirm” and celebrate their femininity for their own perverse gratification.
This is a mass-scale misogynistic BDSM ritual perpetrated by men with deviant itches that need scratching.
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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