America has regressed to the point expressing one’s political outlook may result in the loss of a job, the destruction of one’s property, threats to the family, all coordinated and orchestrated by cellular networks maintained by NGOs funded by the federal government.
One call from Anywhere USA can bring a mob to your street. Someone screams “racist,” and the heart of a city may go up in smoke.
This violence against America and Americans is not spontaneous. It is orchestrated. The singular purpose is to bring chaos to you, your family, your community. Chaos generates fear, and fear, in turn, generates more chaos.
Eventually, the man who would be dictator promises order, but the price of that order will be the surrender of freedom.
A few brave people have observed America is moving away from civil order and toward civil war.
Consider the trajectory of Elon Musk. Musk should be a hero of the left. He starts the first successful electric vehicle manufacturing company and meets all the expectations of the Save the Earth Society. In background, Musk’s endeavors in space exploration surpass NASA, and he develops reuseable rockets, scatters communications satellites above the earth to enhance our lives and rescues NASA’s stranded astronauts.
Then, Elon Musk says he likes ideas advanced by Donald Trump. Musk even goes so far as to suggest there is waste in the federal budget and the $36 trillion debt is unsustainable.
The Marxists draw the line at cutting government, because government is their cavalry, and Musk becomes a target. The Marxists will accept no less than 100% compliance, or you become the enemy, and the enemy must be vanquished.
Since the installation of the duly elected president of the United States of America, Tesla dealerships nationwide have been attacked with Molotov cocktails; its charging stations have been set on fire, graffiti sprayed on buildings and new cars, and shots fired at a Tesla dealership in Oregon.
The Marxists believe their power is now so great they can target the president, anyone who associates with the president, members of the U.S. Supreme Court, anyone at any time.
Normal Americans, the folks who go to work, are right now fighting their way through federal tax forms, paying $9 for a dozen eggs and if they live in California, have given up on the idea of buying a home. These same Americans are telling the pollsters the idea of eliminating government waste is attractive. Everyone else is cutting back in the post Biden-era, so why not the government?
More and more people are beginning to realize they voted overwhelmingly to cut the federal government, but there are hordes of people who refuse to accept the results and implications of the 2024 election. More worrisome than the unwashed protesters are the Marxist government employees who today are using their positions of trust to repeal the election result. Consider if these government folks had not been doing wrong, they would not be spending their days shredding documents.
The nation truly has arrived at the point where elections are ignored by bureaucrats and overturned by partisan judges. Is it not surprising then that a recent survey found 92% of the American public no longer trusts their own government? Other polls show the public wants Donald Trump to succeed, and still, the Democrat response is to shut down the government.