Originally published via Armageddon Prose:
[Scoffing, dripping disdain] “You think governments and corporations and rogue mad scientists with infinite pharma cash manipulate you for their own nefarious purposes? Okay, Mr. Black Helicopter.”
[unironically, in the next breath] “Let’s get some COINTELPRO mind control and a 50cc mRNA juice mainlined into this slob STAT and we’ll set him right as rain. Also, let’s send Hillary out there to float ‘formal deprogramming’ for Trump supporters. That’ll lower the temperature and restore trust in our sacred Democracy.”
Related: Walmart Partners With Google Drones to Deliver Products in Dallas
I’m old enough to remember when filling people’s minds with certain narratives that just happen further one’s particular interests was known as “brainwashing.”
In the clinical speak of The Science, though, brainwashing is now rebranded as “memory-focused interventions.”
Via Neuroscience News (emphasis added):
“New research reveals that short, memory-focused interventions can help individuals resist misinformation more effectively and retain these skills over extended periods, acting as “psychological booster shots.” The study evaluated text-based messages, videos, and interactive games that teach people how to spot and resist misleading information.
Memory-focused interventions showed the greatest long-term effectiveness, suggesting regular psychological “boosters” could enhance misinformation resistance. Researchers emphasize these memory-enhancing methods could significantly benefit public education and digital literacy programs, addressing misinformation challenges in health, politics, and beyond.”
Related: MONSTER Bird Flu Update: Unprecedented Mammal-to-Mammal Transmission Confirmed
The gist is that the researchers re-educated participants on any number of topics either through text, video, or a role-playing game, and then exposed them to what they categorize as “misinformation.” If, even after their re-education, the peasants asked any pesky questions instead of obediently swallowing and internalizing the furnished “inoculating” material, the “intervention” would have been a failure. If they complied with the regime — repeating that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia, for instance — the intervention would have succeeded.
(It would be way more honest and less contemptible, in a way, if they just cut straight to the torture and skipped all the overtures to humanitarianism. Do they really have to mollycoddle us while they hammer the crucifixion nails in with the other hand?)
Via Nature Communications (emphasis added):
“The first intervention (used in Study 1) is a passive, issue-focused, text-based intervention that inoculates participants against misinformation about the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming. The second intervention (used in Study 2) is an active, technique-focused, online inoculation game (Bad News), in which participants have to create and spread their own misinformation, albeit in severely weakened form (i.e., using humorous examples that highlight the flaws in the misinformation in a safe, controlled environment), as part of a simulated social media environment. The third intervention (Studies 3–5) is a short video that inoculates people against a technique that is often used to mislead people. This video-based intervention was shown to be effective at improving people’s ability to detect misleading headlines that use a range of different manipulation strategies in a field study on YouTube. The videos have been shown to over 5 million YouTube users as an educational advertisement in the United States, with effects lasting up to at least 24 h. Similar videos have been successfully used in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in Germany, with over 42 million views. ”
Related: Leaked: Trump CDC to Probe Long-Rumored Vaccine-Autism Link
Unfortunately, because the techno-serfs are so bovine-like, the biggest issue the researchers faced in achieving results was retention. The stupid livestock, they discovered, couldn’t remember the propaganda they were spoon-fed. Fortunately the team just hit them with some “booster shots” (extra propaganda) until they were properly trained and it worked like a charm.
“Memory was consistently the most dominant outcome predictor, and booster shots consistently helped to restore intervention effects. Moreover, multiple forms of booster shots were shown to be effective: repeated interventions (see Study 1), new interventions targeting the same techniques (see Study 2), memory boosters (see Study 5), and quizzing participants in the form of posttesting (see results Study 3 vs Study 5).”
Bird flu mRNA “vaccines” are your salvation.
Bird flu mRNA “vaccines” are your salvation.
Bird flu mRNA “vaccines” are your salvation.
Bird flu mRNA “vaccines” are your salvation.
Bird flu mRNA “vaccines” are your salvation.
Bird flu mRNA “vaccines” are your salvation.
Related: Trump USDA Announces $1 Billion Bird Flu Spend, $100 Million for ‘New Generation’ Vaccines
“The voice of God is government.
In God we trust, sinners repent!”
-Bad Religion, Voice of God Is Government
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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