Read Hanne’s The Herland Report.

Amid the seismic geopolitical changes President Donald Trump dramatically and unapologetically causes, the globalist norms that have governed the West since the fall of the Soviet Union are falling.

The world goes through fundamental changes of the type that will make history, and certain years are identified as marks of game-changing times. One such year is 1945. It marked the end of World War II and Great Britain losing its superpower status to the United States.

The year 1968 was another such year, as it signified the Marxist “free drugs and sex” revolution in the West, a fundamental revolt against traditional Western values such as the traditional family, gender roles, respect for the church, personal liberties and responsibilities. The Marxists implemented the dramatic demonization of Christianity – which set the tone for the subsequent atheist-socialist decades in Europe, and the culture war in the United States.

We are currently amid yet another important year: 2025 marks the end of the globalist unipolar era. President Donald Trump reshapes the geopolitical map, strengthening the nation state and traditional Western values as the United States reenters a historic phase of strength in a multipolar world.

“2025 could be a year when the basic assumptions about the way our world works are fed into the shredder,” writes John Simpson at BBC: “The basic reason is Donald Trump. Since the end of World War II, the 13 U.S. presidents before Trump has at least paid lip service to a set of key geopolitical principles: that America’s own security depended on protecting Europe from Russia, and the non-Communist countries of Asia against China. Trump has up-ended this approach. He says he’s putting American interests first, way before everything else.”

“This is the gravest crisis for Western security since the end of World War II, and a lasting one. As one expert put it, Trumpism will outlast his presidency. But which nations are equipped to step to the fore as the U.S. stands back?” asks the BBC.

It is a timely question. Since World War II, the United States has been the world leader. Sheltered by two vast oceans, the U.S. avoided bombed out cities war-torn Europe experienced after the devastating war. The United States became the shining example of Western values such as individual liberties, freedom of religions, private property rights, personal responsibility, tolerance and capitalism. Into the 1950s, America hailed the Protestant ethic and displayed its power and wealth while Europe struggled to rebuild, indebted to its big brother across the Atlantic. “America became the Western world’s cultural, economic and military hegemon,” BBC points out.

Yet, as the feeling of invincibility sets in, pride often takes the front seat. Corruption and injustice soon follow. Since the 1980s, the quest to become larger than life overtook common sense. The globalist economic model with transnational, tax-haven based mega-corporations began outsourcing jobs to lower-cost countries such as China. The transfer of wealth to the East happened at the expense of the regular Western workers. This benefited the Western billionaire elite as there were no requirement to redistribute wealth back to the Americans who lost their opportunities. The result was a remarkable concentration of wealth into the hands of the very few. At the same time, the consolidation of power produced the result that over 90% of the U.S. media is now owned by only six corporations, which have a vested interest in the globalist system that profits from the lack of national sovereignty.

As China and the Western billionaires’ marriage bloomed to the benefit of both, nobody thought much of the American worker’s falling living standard. To take care of the people was not popular anymore – until Donald Trump arrived. He was the man willing put his life physically on the line with the goal of returning justice, fairness and freedom to the poverty ridden.

The wealth gap is at the highest since the late 1930s, hedge fund founder Ray Dalio points out, calling inequality a national emergency. He calls for reforming today’s version of capitalism, named “robbery capitalism” by the leading political economist, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, arguing that if the U.S. does not redistribute wealth and opportunity, the country’s existence as a stable global power is threatened. “The income-opportunity gap pose existential threats to the U.S. because these conditions weaken the U.S. economically, and undermine the United States’ strength relative to that of its global competitors,” Dalio points out.

The Trump strategy to strengthen the nation state, decentralize power, halt waste, fraud and theft, hold government officials accountable, giving individuals more freedom and personal responsibility, may be precisely what is needed to give the decaying American giant a new golden age.