Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

Hypothetically, if one were inclined to speculate about what drug WEF whore Chrystia Freeland may or may not theoretically be taking, what might it be?

Check out WEF harlot Chrystia Freeland’s recent appearance with Brought to You By Pfizer™ MSNBC’s in-house, mRNA-fueled experimental human-turtle hybrid, Ali Velshi, to bash Trump for being a fascist or whatever (the substance of their conversation, such as it is, doesn’t matter).


¡Dios mio!

That’s one twitchy bitch.

Those are not natural head movements.

Freeland here comes off exactly like a methed-out prostitute running a BJ sweepstakes on a littered street corner.

I’ve seen them up-close and personal many times; I know their mannerisms. That streetwalker is stimulated out of her gourd.

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Poll: What drugs is WEF whore Chrystia Freeland (allegedly) on?

  • Cocaine
  • Pertivin (proprietary Nazi meth)
  • No drugs, just demonic possession-induced psychosis
  • Fetal tissue, the ultimate high
  • Secret stuff forbidden to peasants

Head over to Armageddon Prose to exercise your democratic vote.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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